Transfer Credit FAQs

Q: I am an incoming freshman who has earned PSEOP credits. What should I do to get my transfer credit evaluated at CSU?
A: Students who have earned PSEOP credits should submit an official copy of their transcript to the Registrar's Office to be evaluated.

Q: How will the work appear on my CSU transcript?
A: Only the name of the institution will be listed. Courses and grades from other schools do not appear on the CSU transcript.

Q: Can I meet CSU's General Education requirements using my transfer credits?
A: Yes, but there are restrictions. For example, Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) and Speaking Across the Curriculum (SPAC) courses must be completed at CSU. You cannot receive WAC or SPAC credit for a transfer course.

Q: Can I meet my major requirements using my transfer credits?
A: Yes, but you must also check with your major department for approval.

Q: How do credits from a quarter system transfer?
A: There is a conversion rate for courses coming from colleges or universities with quarter-based systems. Quarter units are multiplied by 0.667 to get semester units.

Q: What is the maximum number of credits that can be transferred to CSU?
A: There is no limit. However, not all transfer credits will necessarily count towards your degree. Check with an academic advisor for further information.

Q: What grade must I have achieved in order for work to transfer to CSU?
A: Students must have received a passing grade for course work to transfer to CSU. Coursework completed with a D grade attained prior to Fall 2005 are not accepted for transfer credit unless they were part of an Associates Degree completed at an Ohio public institution.

Q: Can I receive transfer credit for courses taken as pass/fail?
A: Yes, if a pass grade was achieved. However, if the pass is considered equivalent to a D grade at the other institution, acceptance will depend on when the course was completed.

Q: Can I get a copy of my transfer transcript?
A: No. Transfer transcripts from other institutions are not released to you or any outside agency from CSU. You should request a copy directly from the transfer school.

Q: Where do I have my official transcripts sent?
A: Office of the University Registrar, Cleveland State University, 2121 Euclid Avenue - UN 441, Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Q: How and when will I know that my transfer credit has been approved by the CSU transfer credit office?Q: I completed course work at a foreign institution. Will it transfer to CSU?
A: Foreign work is subject to the same requirements as domestic college work. Transcripts for study completed at an overseas university or college should be submitted to the Registrar's Office in the same way that transcripts from domestic study are submitted. Academic study completed overseas is assessed for transfer credit eligibility by an evaluator in the Center for International Services and Programs (CISP). CSU Study Abroad Programs are not considered transfer work. Credits earned through these CSU programs automatically appear on your CSU transcript.

A: Your transfer credit will appear on both your unofficial and official transcripts within two weeks after you have been admitted to a degree seeking program, assuming we have received all official transcripts. Transfer credit for military or foreign coursework can take up to six weeks to be assessed. If your transfer credits do not appear on your transcript after the above stipulated timeframes, please contact Campus 411 at 216.687.5411 or email for assistance.

Q: I've been admitted into a non-degree program - will my transfer credit be assessed?
A: No. Transfer credit is only assessed if you are admitted into a degree seeking program.

Q: Are the grades from transfer work calculated into my grade point average?
A: No. Only grades from work completed at CSU will be calculated into your GPA.

Mailing Address
Center for eLearning
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, RT201
Cleveland, OH 44115

Campus Location
Center for eLearning, RT201
1860 East 22nd Street
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216.687.3960
Fax: 216.875.9733