CSU News

18 results found.
Recognized for innovative initiatives designed to increase diversity in science and health
Meredith Bond has long had a passion for expanding opportunities for minorities and underrepresented groups
In the future, weather forecasts and climate-change studies could become more accurate, thanks to new research on how clouds overlap conducted by a Cleveland State University faculty member and his co
Here’s a neat parlor room trick – firmly rooted in hardcore science, of course, courtesy of Cleveland State University Professor Jearl Walker.
Fill a glass with water. Hold any old piece
Clinical chemistry Ph.D. students from Cleveland State University are going places – literally.
Valentinas Gruzdys and Mahesheema Na were selected by the American Association for Clinical Chemi
Next time you want to get the party started, just add water! Did you know that in addition to being a lubricant, H2O also can act as an adhesive? Just ask Professor Jearl Walker of Cleveland State Uni
Professor Jearl Walker Is Ringmaster of CSU’s New ‘Flying Circus of Physics’ Video Series
Jearl Walker, Ph.D., is up for anything when it comes to getting people excited about physi
They look a little like the grooves of a vinyl record – but they’re actually star trails.
Andy Resnick, Ph.D., assistant professor of physics at Cleveland State University, captured this
Cleveland State University researcher Sailen Barik, Ph.D. is combatting a major pediatric virus—Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)—that causes severe respiratory disease, primarily in infan