CSU News
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Michele Pomerantz began her career in education as a first grade teacher in the Cleveland Schools in the early 1990s and developed a keen interest in how she could help make the system better, both fo
Will Feature Address by Johan Uvin, President of Institute for Education Leadership
Cleveland State University???s Center for Educational Leadership will celebrate its 10th anniversary as a host site
Cleveland State University???s Center for Educational Leadership will celebrate its 10th anniversary as a host site
Institutions receive $400,000 grant from U.S. Department of Education for multi-year study
Research has shown that school climate, including safety, relationships, and culture of learning, plays a
Research has shown that school climate, including safety, relationships, and culture of learning, plays a
Research assesses how non-cognitive skill instruction is implemented in the classroom
Numerous studies have highlighted the importance of non-cognitive skills, including persistence, attention to det
Numerous studies have highlighted the importance of non-cognitive skills, including persistence, attention to det
21st Century leaders need a combination of smarts, emotional intelligence and cultural competence to address the often complex issues they face while also meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse
Rob Higgins and James Eiben both were looking for unique student teaching opportunities in urban schools while also allowing them to make a difference in the lives of children who really needed it. Th
CSU Professor is inducted into International Adult Continuing Education Hall of Fame
Catherine Hansman, a professor of education at Cleveland State University, is a nationally recognized expert and r
Catherine Hansman, a professor of education at Cleveland State University, is a nationally recognized expert and r
Shereen Naser, an assistant professor of psychology at Cleveland State University, was tapped by the National Association of School Psychologists to assist in developing materials designed to help par
Many elementary and high school students through the years, after sitting through a lecture on fractions or the periodic table, have raised their hands in frustration and asked “why do I need to
Amy Roediger, a graduate of Cleveland State University’s College of Education and Human Services, has won a prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAE