Undergraduate Degree Maps

Undergraduate Degrees

These maps are made available for advisors, faculty and students as general guidelines to program pathways.  Some changes may occur as required by academic standards or state law.

Please contact the colleges with questions about specific programs.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The degree maps on this page are for the most recent catalog year. If you need a degree map for your catalog year, please visit: http://catalog.csuohio.edu/

Degree Program  Current Degree Maps (2024-2025)New Degree Maps (2025-2026)
AccountingDegree MapDegree Map
Africana StudiesDegree MapDegree Map
AnthropologyDegree MapN/A  (Admission Paused, as of Summer 2024)
ArabicDegree MapN/A  (Admission Paused, as of Summer 2024)
ArtsDegree MapDegree Map 
BiologyDegree MapDegree Map 
Biomedical EngineeringDegree MapDegree Map
Business AnalyticsDegree MapDegree Map
Business EconomicsDegree MapDegree Map
Business StudiesDegree MapDegree Map
Chemical EngineeringDegree MapDegree Map 
ChemistryDegree MapDegree Map
Civil EngineeringDegree MapDegree Map 
Communication Sciences and DisordersDegree MapDegree Map 
Communication StudiesDegree MapDegree Map 
Community Planning (Formerly: Urban and Regional Studies - Changed 2024)Degree MapDegree Map
Computer EngineeringDegree MapDegree Map 
Computer Science and Design, IntegratedDegree MapDegree Map 
Computer Science and Music, IntegratedDegree MapDegree Map 
Computer Science (B.S)Degree MapDegree Map 
Construction ManagementDegree MapDegree Map 
CriminologyDegree MapDegree Map
Data Science (B.S)Degree MapDegree Map 
Design and Psychology, IntegratedDegree MapDegree Map 
EconomicsDegree MapDegree Map
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, IntegratedDegree MapDegree Map 
Electrical EngineeringDegree MapDegree Map 
Electronics Engineering Technology (B.S)Degree MapDegree Map 
English and Computer Science, IntegratedDegree MapDegree Map 
EnglishDegree MapDegree Map
Environmental ScienceDegree MapDegree Map
Environmental StudiesDegree MapDegree Map
Exercise Science (Formerly: Physical Education and Sport - Changed 2024)Degree MapDegree Map 
Film & Media Arts (Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Fine Arts)Degree MapDegree Map 
FinanceDegree MapDegree Map
FrenchDegree MapN/A  (Admission Paused, as of Summer 2024)
General BusinessDegree MapDegree Map
Healthcare ManagementDegree MapDegree Map
Health SciencesDegree MapDegree Map 
HistoryDegree MapDegree Map
Human Resource ManagementDegree MapDegree Map
Information SystemsDegree Map   Degree Map
International BusinessDegree MapDegree Map
International RelationsDegree MapDegree Map
Journalism and Criminology, IntegratedDegree MapDegree Map
Journalism and Sociology, IntegratedDegree MapDegree Map 
Journalism and Public RelationsDegree MapDegree Map 
Liberal StudiesDegree MapN/A
LinguisticsDegree MapN/A  (Admission Paused, as of Summer 2024)
MarketingDegree MapDegree Map
Mathematics/Statistics and Economics, IntegratedDegree MapDegree Map
Mathematics (B.A.)Degree MapDegree Map
Mathematics (B.S)Degree MapDegree Map
Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering, IntegratedDegree MapDegree Map 
Mechanical EngineeringDegree MapDegree Map 
Mechanical Engineering Technology (B.S)Degree MapDegree Map 
Middle Childhood EducationDegree MapDegree Map 
Music (B.A)Degree MapDegree Map
Music Education (Bachelor of Music)Degree MapDegree Map
Music TherapyDegree MapDegree Map
Nonprofit AdministrationDegree MapDegree Map
NursingDegree MapDegree Map 
Operations and Supply Chain ManagementDegree MapDegree Map
Organizational LeadershipDegree MapDegree Map
P-5 Education (Formerly: Early Childhood Education - Changed 2020) Degree MapDegree Map
Pharmaceutical SciencesDegree MapDegree Map
PhilosophyDegree MapDegree Map
Physics and Computer Science, IntegratedDegree MapDegree Map 
Physics (B.A.)Degree MapDegree Map 
Physics (B.S)Degree MapDegree Map
Political ScienceDegree MapDegree Map
Property ManagementDegree MapDegree Map
Psychology and Criminology, IntegratedDegree MapDegree Map 
PsychologyDegree MapDegree Map 
Public Policy and Management (Formerly: Economic Development - Changed 2024)Degree MapDegree Map
Public Safety ManagementDegree MapDegree Map
Religious Studies (Formerly: Comparative Religion)Degree MapN/A  (Admission Paused, as of Summer 2024)
Social StudiesDegree MapDegree Map
Social WorkDegree MapDegree Map 
SociologyDegree MapDegree Map 
SpanishDegree MapN/A  (Admission Paused, as of Summer 2024)
Special Education Intervention Specialists (Mild/Moderate)Degree MapDegree Map 
Special Education Intervention Specialists (Moderate/Intensive)Degree MapDegree Map 
Sport and Entertainment ManagementDegree MapDegree Map
Theatre and DanceDegree MapDegree Map
Women's and Gender Studies Degree MapDegree Map

Mailing Address
Advising Office
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, BH110
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
First Year Advising Office
1899 East 22nd Street, BH110
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214
Phone: 216-687-2402
Fax: 216-687-5420

Exploratory Advising