Syllabus Preparation

CSU requires the following information to be included in course syllabi:


  • Identification of the course as a CSU class
  • Semester/year in which class is being taught
  • Course number, title, credit hours
  • Course pre-requisites, if any
  • Instructor name and contact information (telephone/email/office address/office hours)
  • Course meeting times, classroom


  • Course objectives (e.g., a narrative describing the course content or a list of learning outcomes)
  • List of required materials
  • List of assignments for which students will be graded and weighting of assignments
  • Schedule of assignments – if unscheduled assignments will be used, this should be indicated on the syllabus.
  • Grading Criteria (i.e., definition of an A grade, B grade, etc.) as applicable.
  • Calendar of topics – it is understood that this is approximate and that instructors frequently modify their plan as the semester progresses. However, students should be given a sense of what topics will be covered and approximately when and in what order.
  • Course policies – plagiarism, attendance, make-up exams, etc.
  • General education statement: if appropriate, indicate which general education requirement(s) does the course satisfy and include a brief summary of the guidelines for that requirement (standard language will be developed by UCC and made available on the web).
  • TA’s name, contact information (if appropriate)

Instructors should communicate CSU policies in their syllabus using approved syllabi statements. Syllabi Statements addressing CSU policies are available in the Appendix.

Mailing Address
Office of the Provost
Cleveland State Univeristy
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 333
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Administration Center, Room 333
2300 Euclid Avenue
Phone: 216.687.3588
Fax: 216.687.9290