Faculty Affairs

Syllabus Preparation

CSU requires the following information to be included in course syllabi:


  • Identification of the course as a CSU class
  • Semester/year in which class is being taught
  • Course number, title, credit hours
  • Course pre-requisites, if any
  • Instructor name and contact information (telephone/email/office address/office hours)
  • Course meeting times, classroom


  • Course objectives (e.g., a narrative describing the course content or a list of learning outcomes)
  • List of required materials
  • List of assignments for which students will be graded and weighting of assignments
  • Schedule of assignments – if unscheduled assignments will be used, this should be indicated on the syllabus.
  • Grading Criteria (i.e., definition of an A grade, B grade, etc.) as applicable.
  • Calendar of topics – it is understood that this is approximate and that instructors frequently modify their plan as the semester progresses. However, students should be given a sense of what topics will be covered and approximately when and in what order.
  • Course policies – plagiarism, attendance, make-up exams, etc.
  • General education statement: if appropriate, indicate which general education requirement(s) does the course satisfy and include a brief summary of the guidelines for that requirement (standard language will be developed by UCC and made available on the web).
  • TA’s name, contact information (if appropriate)

Instructors should communicate CSU policies in their syllabus using approved syllabi statements. Syllabi Statements addressing CSU policies are available in the Appendix.