24th Thürmer People’s Art Show launches with reception Sept. 22

Watershed showcase for budding artists gets name change amid hunger for pandemic-delayed return
The Galleries at Cleveland State University have been celebrating milestones this year. The fall semester brings the return of the biggest of them all: the newly christened “Robert Thürmer People’s Art Show,” named in perpetuity for retired former director Thürmer and his 30 years of dedicated service to CSU.
The 2022 installment of this Cleveland tradition launched with a reception Thursday, September 22 at 5:30 p.m., showcasing the voice of the people. The exhibition is no-cost and open-to-the-public—with “no judge, no jury, no taste police!” being the modus operandi.
“This biannual event has become the signature exhibition event for the Galleries at CSU,” said Kendall Christian, director of the Galleries at CSU. “It’s free, non-juried, uncensored—there’s nothing like this show anywhere else in the region and we field inquiries about it year-round.”
Christian said that a huge part of the exhibition’s legacy is “giving budding artists the opportunity to showcase their work in a legitimate art gallery with a legitimate audience,” and expects well over 300 artists to participate and over 400 unique pieces art to install and showcase on their behalf.
“We were off in 2020 due to COVID-19,” Christian said. “Because we don’t say no or reject anything and because we have been away for a while, we are expecting huge participation this year. People flock to this show because it celebrates creativity, diversity and imagination in our community, both on-campus and off. Judging from the inquiries, people are hungry for this show and really want to be a part of it.”
Viewing hours are Tuesday to Thursday, noon to 5:00pm; Friday and Saturday, noon to 7:00pm. Closed Sunday, Monday and university holidays. The exhibition runs through Saturday, November 26. Call 216-687-2103 or email: galleries@csuohio.edu.