Acclaimed Percussion Quartet Clocks in Motion Performs 9/23

Concert will include world premiere of Andrew Rindfleisch???s CHROMA

Cleveland State University???s School of Music will host an evening of contemporary music featuring the celebrated percussion quartet Clocks in Motion on Monday, September 23. The concert will include performances of works by a host of prominent living composers and artists including the world premiere of "CHROMA" by Andrew Rindfleisch, professor of music at CSU. The event is part of the Cleveland Contemporary Players Artist In Residency Series at CSU.

The event, which is free and open to the public, will begin at 8 pm in CSU???s Drinko Hall, 2001 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland.

Hailed as ???nothing short of remarkable??? by Cleveland Classical and ???the most exciting addition to Madison???s classical music scene??? by The Isthmus, Clocks in Motion is a percussion quartet that performs new music, builds many of its own instruments and breaks down the boundaries of the traditional concert program. Formed in 2011, the ensemble prides itself on curating new music for percussion quartet, through engaging a range of elite composers in long term commissioning projects. This includes  the  multi-year composing collaboration called Clock Shop and additional ongoing projects with prominent contemporary composers such as David Colson and Andrew Rindfleisch.

The Cleveland Contemporary Players Artist in Residency Series at CSU brings in a wind range of classical and new music composers and performers who present master classes, workshop pieces with student ensembles, and perform and record student compositions. This allows music students to work with leading professionals in the field, receive expert feedback on their performances and music pieces and develop relationships that will help with their career development following graduation. The visiting artists also present public concerts for the Cleveland community to enhance understanding of and love for contemporary classical music.
