Cleveland State University Student of Distinction: Jacob Bean

CSU celebrates graduating students who have overcome obstacles, made significant achievements and/or are fulfilling Cleveland State University’s mission in or outside the classroom.
Today, we’re featuring Jacob Bean ’24.
CSU: Have you had any significant internships/co-ops/careers while at CSU?
JB: Thanks to CSU, I had two significant internships. My first internship at Campus District, Inc., gave me the opportunity to learn more about the area, gain practical experience in urban planning and utilize my classroom experiences to create urban design graphics for the Community Development Corporation. My second internship in the Cuyahoga County Department of Development expanded my knowledge of economic development and provided me the opportunity to grow my leadership skills through multiple projects.
My work for Cuyahoga County as the lead of the SiteOhio project, lead of the second half of the STIMulus Grant Award and my significant role in helping over 500 small businesses receive technical or financial assistance through the Office of Small Business led to the department winning the National Award for Economic Development Excellence from the National Association for County Community and Economic Development. I was also recognized with the Ohio Conference of Community Development Intern of the Year Award. I would not have even known about these professional opportunities if it weren’t for the extracurricular programs at CSU.
CSU: How would you describe the connections you have made with the faculty and staff at CSU?
JB: The faculty and staff at CSU have been life changing. From my academic advisor to other students, my professors and professors I have not had a class with but still interacted with, every person I have met is eager to teach me new skills, motivate me to excel in my studies and provide guidance on ways to handle any of life’s challenges. After my experiences at the Levin College of Public Affairs and Education, I can truly say it is a special place. It is home to some of the most selfless, kind individuals I have had the pleasure of working with.
CSU: How has Cleveland State inspired you for your future?
JB: Attending CSU gave me a sense of true purpose regarding the direction of my career. Before attending CSU, I was unsure of my future, working various jobs to see what I enjoyed. Nothing sparked my interest and passion the way learning urban planning did. CSU’s approach through knowledgeable and friendly staff unlocked my passion entirely. My perspectives on life have completely changed outside of the classroom, making me an active and engaged member of my community. CSU has given me the chance to feel like I can make a genuine impact on the world.
CSU: How do you think you have fulfilled CSU’s mission?
JB: I strive to actively participate in classes, ensuring they remain engaging between students and the professor, and use my built-up knowledge to help other students learn. In my professional endeavors, I constantly utilize my knowledge and leadership skills built inside the classroom to be a productive member of my time.
In my day-to-day life, I volunteer in communities to help grant write for funding opportunities, work with community members to advocate for improvements and educate my non-community planning peers about ways they can make a difference in their neighborhoods.
I think it is very important for individuals of any age to realize they have one life to make an impact and create the world they wish to live in. Be okay with taking yourself out of your comfort zone to discover the unlimited possibilities life contains. Try your best to show compassion for everyone you interact with throughout your days; you never know what people have experienced in their lives.
Congratulations, Jacob!