Clothing Donations Needed for Upcoming Dress for Success Boutique on Wheels

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The Department of Career Development and Exploration is gearing up to host its annual "Dress for Success Boutique on Wheels" event this April providing students with free professional attire for students to wear to interviews, internships or jobs. The initiative takes place each semester and serves almost 500 students over a day and a half.

For the first time, Cleveland State is accepting clothing donations at Dress for Success Cleveland for this semester's event, including women's skirt suits, pantsuits, blazers, tailored blouses and dresses as well as men's suits, blazers, slacks, dress shirts and ties. 

All donations can be dropped off between March 18 through 21 from 10 a.m.???3 p.m. at the Dress for Success Cleveland building at 2239 East 55 Street, Cleveland, OH 44103. Please do not bring clothing items to campus. Note that donations must also be hung on hangers and freshly washed or dry cleaned or they will not be accepted.

Director for Career Development and Exploration Brittany Wampler believes this is a tangible way to support our students and knows it makes an impact.

???This initiative started before CDE took it over in Spring 2022, but since then, we???ve done it every fall and spring semester,??? she said. ???Last fall, we supported almost 500 students over a day and a half. Access to professional attire can be a barrier for students, and this event celebrates finding professional attire for free for interviews, an internship, or a job. We want all students to find clothing that works for them so that clothing is not a worry or concern when they start their professional career journey.???

She added:

???Giving some professional attire to Dress for Success Cleveland that is timeless supports our students and their future.???

Schedule your donation drop off here.