CSU Hosts Fourth Annual Tuba-Euphonium Day

The Cleveland State University Department of Music is celebrating International Tuba Day by hosting their fourth annual Cleveland Tuba-Euphonium Day Saturday, May 4.
The all-day event will feature performances, educational sessions and exhibits in order to celebrate all things tuba.
Cleveland Tuba-Euphonium Day, which is free and open to musicians of all ages and abilities, begins at 8:00 a.m. in the Music and Communication Building.
The event will include a warm-up session with the University of Akron’s assistant professor of tuba and euphonium, Dr. Christopher Blaha, followed by a tuba and euphonium Masterclass with Dr. Travis Scott. The day will also feature exhibits by instrument makers, repair techs, sellers and publishers, and Jim McIntyre’s tuba collection. There will be performances by a mass tuba-euphonium ensemble, area soloists and tuba-euphonium ensembles and the CSU Viking Tuba-Euphonium Consort.
To register for the event, email music@csuohio.edu.
For more information about the Music Department calendar of events, visit csuohio.edu/class/music/musiccalendar.