National Voter Registration Day is Sept. 24

Cleveland State University???s Office of Civic Engagement (OCE) will join organizations from around the region in celebrating National Voter Registration Day on September 24. As part of the festivities, OCE will sponsor a voter registration and information table in the CSU Student Center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the 24th.

Students will have the opportunity to register to vote, update their registration, obtain nonpartisan voter information and learn about absentee ballot processes with representatives from The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, The League of Women Voters and Alpha Kappa Alpha. In addition, students can find out more about the upcoming 2020 Census, and how it will impact the amount of money brought back to their communities.

???Cleveland State University is one of over 3,500 partners working towards registering as many eligible voters as possible across the United States on September 24,??? says Anita Ruf-Young, program coordinator for the Office of Civic Engagement. ???With local elections happening in a few weeks, every eligible American voter should exercise his or her right to be heard at the ballot box. National Voter Registration Day is the right place to start by getting registered.???

Founded in 2012, National Voter Registration Day is designed to create an annual moment when the entire nation focuses on registering Americans to exercise their most basic right ??? the right to vote. More than two million Americans have registered to vote on this day since the inaugural National Voter Registration Day.

For inquiries about registering to vote, please contact Anita Ruf-Young at