Traffic Patterns Changing Next Month for New Bridge Construction
When Cleveland’s new Innerbelt Bridge opens in November, some additional ramps will close for the three-year period during construction of the second bridge. These changes are likely to be implemented in late November. Closed ramps include:
- W 14th Street ENTRANCE ramp to I-90 east from Tremont toward downtown
Motorists who would like to access downtown locations may use Abbey Avenue to the Lorain-Carnegie Bridge. Those who would like to access locations to the east may use Professor to Starkweather to W 7th to I-490 east to I-77 north. - Ontario Street EXIT ramp from I-90 east to Ontario Street near Progressive Field
The E 9th Street EXIT ramp will remain OPEN, however is expected to be quite congested. Opt for the Alternate! Use I-490 east to I-77 north where access to ALL downtown exits will be maintained. - Broadway Avenue EXIT ramp from I-90 east to Broadway Avenue
This ramp will remain closed permanently. Instead, use I-490 east to the Broadway Avenue exit. Upon opening of the second new bridge in 2016, a new ramp for E 9th Street outbound (south) will be opened and will serve locations along Broadway, Orange and the new E 9th Street Extension.