University Ranked One of Best Colleges for Adult Learning

CSU is only one of 13 schools in Ohio to receive the accolade
Often the best intentions of heading off to college to earn a degree are derailed by a small thing called 'life.' However, when it's time to take that next step, it just so happens that CSU is at the top of the list regarding adult learning.
Ranked as one of just 13 colleges in Ohio to receive the honor by Abound Finish College, CSU scored high on a metrics system called "the Four A's," which consists of the following:
Accessibility (10% of total score) – Courses being offered in the evening, on weekends, and online so that students have flexibility around other commitments,
Affordability (30% of total score) – A school that commits to offering financial aid, reduced tuition, scholarships, or grants to make education affordable,
Acceleration (30% of total score) – A dedication to offering adult students a direct path to their degree in the most timely and cost-effective way,
Advancement (30% of total score) – A school that exhibits an active interest in the long-term success of the student.
Jonathan Wehner is the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success. He says the accolades CSU has received are aligned with the mission set forth by the university.
"There is an extraordinary sense of pride [and] it's a wonderful recognition of the CSU's mission to educate, provide access to education to a broad swath of folks in Northeast Ohio," he said. "Our mission is not to be one of these hyper-selective places, and I think being named one of the best colleges for adults recognizes we are striving and achieving our mission in terms of providing that access."
CSU has many courses that run the gamut regarding course offerings that appeal to adult learners, including business, engineering, urban studies, the arts, and healthcare. Having many courses to select from is half the battle. The other half is figuring out how to find the time to take the classes and still accomplish the dream of earning a degree. With that in mind, CSU has plenty in place to accommodate the non-typical university hours.
"I also think the flexibility of a lot of our programs in terms of the ability to complete a program online or to complete a program in the evening is a huge part of it," said Wehner. "I think another factor is the cost; we are very cost-effective compared to a lot of other four-year institutions [so] you get a ton of value and flexibility [here at CSU]."
As workplaces continue to require a Bachelor's degree or higher, Wehner believes that adult learning will continue upward, especially when people find the need to finish something they started maybe years ago.
"There are students that have some college and no degree, and some strategies colleges and universities might be able to leverage to get those folks back into post-secondary education and hopefully get them credentialed," said Wehner. "It's a trend that is going to continue large in part demographically; we have an aging population [so] colleges in some ways, it is in their own self-interest to actually look at adult learners."
CSU continues to set the golden standard for being an adult-friendly institution. Because of that blueprint, it landed as one of only 13 universities in Ohio to achieve the ranking. Wehner said that once again shows CSU's commitment to ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.
"Given we have many colleges and universities in the state of Ohio, to be recognized within the group of best for adult learners is excellent," said Wehner. "I think it just really speaks to the way that CSU is living out its mission."