Women’s Leadership Series Tackles Public & Nonprofit Career Transition

Cleveland State University???s Center for Public & Nonprofit Management and the Ohio Center for the Advancement of Women in Public Service will host their next Women???s Leadership Series event ??? ???Navigating Transition: Embracing the Journey??? ???  on Thursday, September 12 from 8 to 11 am at the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs.                                                                

Participants discuss how to navigate professional transition as female leaders in the public and nonprofit sectors. The program will consist of a panel discussion, a peer resume review, insights from a public sector hiring manager and one-on-one sessions with a career search coach. It is free and open to the public, but registration is required.

Panelists and facilitators include: Carrie Carpenter, senior vice president of regional corporate affairs with  Huntington National Bank; Zulma Zabala executive director of the East End Neighborhood House; Natoya Walker Minor, chief of public affairs for the City of Cleveland; Jeri Chaikin, chief administrative officer for the City of Shaker Heights and Amanda Hill, director of development at the Music Settlement).

This event is part of the Women???s Leadership Series was launched in October of 2018 to engage and empower public and nonprofit sector leaders throughout Northeast Ohio, while promoting the concept of gender representation at all levels of leadership. The theme ??? ???Women Empowering Women??? ??? hones in on the notion that women should support, empower, and mentor one another. The series??? programming is strategically designed to capitalize on this theme of empowerment within sectors where political pressures are at play, resources remain tight and the competition to rise to executive leadership endures.

This series is funded by the Wenk Family Charitable Foundation and the Levin Women???s College Fund.
