Faculty Affairs

Appendix - Approved Syllabi Statements

Academic Integrity 

Source: https://www.csuohio.edu/sites/default/files/3344-21-02_Academic_Misconduct_Policy_Compliance.pdf and Vice Provost for Academic Programs 

Date: 3/13/22 

Academic honesty is essential to maintain the integrity of the university as an institution and to foster an environment conducive to the pursuit of knowledge. The Cleveland State University community values honesty and integrity and holds its members to high standards of ethical conduct. Academic dishonesty is, unacceptable, and students who are found to have engaged in academic dishonesty, or knowingly facilitated academic dishonesty by another student, may be sanctioned as outlined in the procedures for charges of academic misconduct. Academic misconduct refers to any fraudulent actions or behaviors designed to affect the evaluation of a student’s academic performance or record of academic progress.  

CSU’s academic misconduct policy and procedures are posted on CSU’s academic integrity website: https://www.csuohio.edu/academic-integrity   

Academic Integrity – head coverings  

Source: https://www.csuohio.edu/institutional-equity/oie-information-sheets-0 

Date: 1/22/22 

As part of the University’s ongoing efforts to prevent cheating, and based on evidence of increased use of headphones and ear piece devices to permit cheating on exams, all students are required to display their ears for the duration of any exam. The policy may require adjustment to hair or clothing. Any student not complying with this policy will, after a warning, be issued a zero on the exam. Students with concerns about their compliance with this policy please contact the Office for Institutional Equity at OIE@csuohio.edu or 216-687-2223.  


Source: Vice President for Academic Programs and Dean of Students 

Date: 4/8/22 

Hazing is intolerable and has no place at Cleveland State University. CSU is committed to student safety, support, and success and is dedicated to preventing violence in all its forms. No student should be subject to harmful, inappropriate, or coerced behavior to participate or feel they belong to any group at CSU. Hazing is not only against school policy, but also Ohio state law. CSU prohibits hazing as defined in its Anti-Hazing policy (https://www.csuohio.edu/sites/default/files/3344-2-08_Anti-hazing_policy_policy_register.pdf) and will not tolerate a campus culture which allows hazing to occur. CSU Faculty are Responsible Employees who have a duty to report incidents of hazing to the university. Additional information, including how to report Hazing can be found here: https://www.csuohio.edu/studentlife/anti-hazing  

Mental Health Statement 

Source: The Counseling Center via Committee on Undergraduate Student Success 

Date: 2/26/22 

As a CSU student, you may face a variety of stressors that impact your learning and academic success. CSU has many resources to support students in their mental health, social well-being, and connection to the academic experience. Students who may benefit from speaking with a confidential mental health professional can access free services through the CSU Counseling Center. To get connected: Call 216.687.2277 (24/7), email counselingcenter@csuohio.edu, or visit UN220. For urgent concerns, drop-in appointments are available from 1:00-3:00 pm M-F.   

Office of Disability Services  

Source: https://www.csuohio.edu/disability/information-for-faculty#syllabi  

Date: Edited 4/19/22 

Educational access is the provision of classroom accommodations, auxiliary aids and services to ensure equal educational opportunities for all students regardless of their disability. Any student who feels they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Disability Services at (216)687-2015. The Office is located in Rhodes West 210. Accommodations need to be requested in advance and will not be granted retroactively. 

Office of Institutional Equity 

Source: https://www.csuohio.edu/institutional-equity/oie-information-sheets-0 

Date: 1/22/22 

Federal law, including Title IX, and University policy require that CSU address discrimination, harassment and sexual violence and enable students affected by these issues to have the same opportunity to succeed as other students. To do this, the CSU Office for Institutional Equity (OIE) provides information, identifies resources (counseling, medical, advocacy, safety planning), issues academic accommodations (excused absences, extended deadlines, late withdrawals, alternative assignments) and other accommodations (No Contact Directives, changing living arrangements). Any student affected by discrimination, harassment and/or sexual violence and seeking assistance, should contact the Office for Institutional Equity by calling 216-687-2223, sending an email to OIE@csuohio.edumailto:r.lutner@csuhoio.edu or visiting AC 236.  

Preferred Name 

Source: https://www.csuohio.edu/institutional-equity/oie-information-sheets-0 

Date: 1/22/22 

I want you to feel that my classroom is safe and inviting for you. I will gladly honor your request to address you by a chosen/preferred name or gender pronoun. Please advise me of this preference early in the semester so that I may make appropriate changes to my records. If you would like additional assistance regarding wider use of your chosen/preferred name on campus, please contact the Office for Institutional Equity at OIE@csuohio.edu or 216-687-2223.  

Religious Accommodations 

Source: Faculty Senate website -  https://www.csuohio.edu/sites/default/files/02UFACSyllabusStatementOIEReligiousAccommodationGuidelines%20%281%29.pdf 

Date: 1/11/22 

Requests for religious accommodations should be made at the beginning of the semester (within the first two weeks). The request should be made using the Absence Authorization Form located on the Faculty Senate Webpage and the University Compliance webpage, and must include dates, reasons, duration of absence. 

Responsible Employee Statement  

Source: https://www.csuohio.edu/institutional-equity/oie-information-sheets-0 

Date: 1/22/22 

Faculty members are Responsible Employees who have a duty to report to OIE when students disclose experiences with discrimination, harassment and/or sexual violence.  

Responsible Employee Statement – including supportive statement 

Source: https://www.csuohio.edu/institutional-equity/oie-information-sheets-0 

Date: 1/22/22 

As a CSU faculty member, I am a Responsible Employee who has a duty to report to the Office for Institutional Equity when students disclose experiences with discrimination, harassment and/or sexual violence. Even though I have this duty, I will continue to support you. If you want to speak to someone who won’t share what you’ve told them except in an emergency, I will help you connect to a Confidential Resource.  

Responsible Employee Statement – class discussions and writing assignments  

Source: https://www.csuohio.edu/institutional-equity/oie-information-sheets-0 

Date: 1/22/22 

Faculty members are Responsible Employees who have a duty to report to OIE when students disclose experiences with discrimination, harassment and/or sexual violence. Faculty members’ duty to report to OIE includes disclosures made by students in class discussions or autobiographical and/or nonfiction writing assignments.  

Starfish (for instructors of UG courses using Starfish for office hour scheduling) 

Source: Received from Director, Advising and First Year Programs 

Date: 2/17/22 

I encourage you to speak with me about any issues related to this course. My office hours are posted in Starfish (accessible via CampusNet). You can visit this system 24/7 to check on my times of availability and make an appointment.