How We Can Make a Difference

Know the facts about Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Awareness and how you can make a difference.

How to make a difference for college-age women that experience sexual assault:

  • Be aware of campus resources! Locate and save phone numbers for resources such as Health and Wellness Services, CSU Police Department, and Cleveland Rape Crisis Center.
  • Stay alert of your surroundings. If you go out, make sure you stick with a group you can trust. Plan to watch out for each other and leave as a group.
  • Be an active bystander and trust your instincts. If a situation doesn't feel right, speak up or intervene.

How to make a difference for women of color that experience sexual assault:

  • Be an informed ally. Learn more about the history of Black women and sexual violence, and read the work of contemporary Black women scholars who reflect on their lived experiences. Explore #CiteBlackWomen on social media.
  • Contact your state and local elected officials to discuss the work they are doing to combat sexual violence against women of color.
  • Reach out to local organizations working to support Black women. In Cleveland, organizations include Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition and Cleveland Rape Crisis Center.

How to make a difference for members of the LBGTQ+ community that experience sexual assault:

  • It is important for survivors of any gender or sexual orientation feel understood and supported in their experiences.
  • If a friend or acquaintance discloses to you that they have been sexually assaulted, listen carefully, validate their experiences, express concern, use inclusive language, and maintain confidentiality unless mandatory reporting is required.
  • Be aware of LGBTQ-friendly resources, including the National Sexual Assault Hotline and the Anti-Violence Project.