The Writing Center

Online Writing Assistance


The Writing Center staff is glad to provide help online via email. Please make sure to follow the instructions carefully.  We want to deliver the best service we can, and we need the information below to do so. All students are welcome to use Starfish to schedule a tutorial on a specific day and time. Our summer hours are Online Monday-Thursday 1-7 pm and Online Friday 9-7 pm; In-person Tuesdays and Thursdays 9-5 pm.

  1. You should receive feedback the day we schedule you; you will know that day from our confirmation email.  If you do not receive feedback from us within 1-2 days, please contact the Writing Center at 216-687-6981 or email us at
  2. The Writing Center also offers online workshops and handouts--please see the left column above.
  3. The last day to submit papers for Summer 2024 semester is Thursday, August 8.
  4. Students are limited to 2 submissions a week and 1 submission per email.
  5. Students with a thesis or dissertation are encouraged to set up multiple email paper reviews so tutors can read their work in one session and comment on it in another one. Graduate students are also encouraged to contact the Writing Center to join a student writing group that will help them stay on time with their writing projects (this group is online).
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