Technology Enhanced Classrooms

lecturer desk in a classroom

We support over 400 technology enhanced auditoriums, lecture halls, classrooms, laboratories, and meeting rooms throughout campus. 

We set aside every common hour to meet with faculty, to talk through their needs, and develop a plan for using instructional technology to address them. Please contact us at to schedule an appointment and one of our professional staff.

We've also developed a series of informational videos to help you navigate teaching in technology enhanced classrooms.  They are designed to help you discover which technologies best suit your instructional needs.

What kinds of technology are in our classrooms?

This video will guide you through turning on the equipment in the room, choosing which technology is displayed through the projector (including hand-written content), and deciding whether you will use the PC in the room or connect a personal device, such as a laptop to the system.

CSU Classroom Technology Walkthrough - video demonstration

(Recommended) How do I record my class sessions for sharing asynchronously with my students?


Panopto is Cleveland State's lecture capture tool and can be used to record content for sharing with students at a later time.  

The Center for eLearning provides detailed instructions for using Panopto. Their print and video guides are particularly helpful for those teaching from their laptops but have yet to install and launch it on their own device.

Getting Started with Panopto - print guide

Getting Started with Panopto - video demonstration

Panopto is installed on all PCs in technology enhanced classrooms. Using Panopto from the classroom PC allows instructors to incorporate additional room technologies such as the document camera and Smart monitor into their recording. To learn more about launching Panopto from a classroom PC, please watch the following video.

Recording with Panopto using the PC in your Classroom - video demonstration

If needed, how can I connect remote participants synchronously to my classroom?

There are a number of applications that will allow you to do this. This section will feature three supplied by the University.


Zoom is a videoconferencing tool that enables participants to "join anywhere, on any device" from mobile to desktop. It can be used for distance learning, virtual meetings and collaboration sessions by providing video, audio, real-time messaging and content sharing in one application.

Downloading and signing-in to Zoom, scheduling meetings and more - print guide

Using Zoom within Blackboard - video demonstration

Additional resources for can be found on CSU's Zoom information page - webpage

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent chat, video meetings, file storage and application integration with Office 365. 

Using Microsoft Teams in a classroom from a laptop or room PC - video demonstration

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact. The Center for eLearning hosts a detailed information page regarding Collaborate Ultra. It is useful for instructors using either their own laptop or classroom PC.  

Detailed information regarding Blackboard Collaborate Ultra - webpage

Using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra from a classroom PC - video demonstration

If you have questions regarding technology enhanced classrooms, please don't hesitate to contact our professional staff. You can reach us at


Mailing Address
2121 Euclid Avenue
Rhodes Tower 705A
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
1860 East 22nd Street
Rhodes Tower 705
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216-687-5270