Please be aware that given the current speed with which the COVID-19 situation is evolving, every effort will be made to update these FAQs as soon as possible.

CSU Classes and Instructional Meetings

Is Cleveland State University open?
CSU is open. However, we continue to strictly limit access to campus.  Remote teaching and learning has been extended to all 2020 Summer Sessions, and remote working will continue until further notice. Only designated essential workers and individuals who receive specific advanced permission from Human Resources or the Provost’s office will be allowed on campus.

When will in-person classes resume?
We will continue to deliver classes remotely through all 2020 Summer Sessions 16. Information on Fall Semester will be announced soon. The health of our CSU students, faculty and staff remains our top priority. 

What if a student does not have the technology needed to access remote learning?
During the second half of the Spring 2020 Semester, we distributed laptops and hot spots to students who lacked a computer or internet access, on an as-needed basis. Continuing students who have loaned technology from Spring Semester are welcome to continue to use the equipment. New, incoming students who have technology needs should contact Campus 411 at 216-687-5411 to make a request. At this time, we are unable to provide other forms of technology, such as web cams or printers.  If you are in a class that requires technology you currently do not have access to, please contact your professor to explain the situation. If you are not able to reach the faculty member, you can contact your College’s academic representative. The University will make every effort to ensure students can complete their courses regardless of their technological resources.

Can students come to campus during the period when there are no in-person classes?
No. Only designated essential employees and those with specific approval, in advance, from Human Resources or the Provost’s office are allowed on campus.

Are people allowed to meet in groups on campus?
All events and meetings on campus have been canceled until further notice.

Persons at Risk

What is being done for at risk populations, such as older people or those with compromised immune systems?
We continue to closely follow CDC guidelines for members of our CSU family who are considered to be at higher risk. The health and well-being of our campus community is our top priority and additional guidance will be forthcoming.

Coming to Work

How will staffing be handled, including involving students who are employed by the university? 
With the exception of essential operations, all CSU offices have made the transition to remote services. Individuals, both staff and student employees, should check with their supervisors regarding modified operations.

Will faculty and staff have access to their offices?
Faculty or staff who require one-time access to their offices – for example to retrieve course materials or needed equipment or technology items – should contact the Provost’s office or Human Resources to make a request. Decisions to allow access to campus will be made on a case by case basis.

Will access to CSU research labs be permitted during this period?
As of June 1, 2020, a limited number of science and engineering researchers, their post-docs and graduate students were given access to specific research labs for the purpose of re-starting research projects, with strict limitations including daily health assessments, face coverings and social distancing.  No other researchers or research activity will be allowed on campus until further notice.


What can be done to prevent the spread of COVID19?
There are several actions you can take including staying home when you are sick, avoiding contact with people who are sick, frequent hand-washing, coughing or sneezing into a tissue or your sleeve, and avoiding touching your nose, mouth and eyes. Visit the Ohio Department of Health for additional recommendations. Officials also recommend social distancing, which includes avoiding crowds and maintaining enough distance between yourself and others to avoid breathing in droplets if someone who is infected sneezes or coughs.

What's being done to keep surfaces clean?
CSU’s Facilities Services Department has received additional training on surface cleaning and disinfection and is purchasing cleaners recommended by the CDC and EPA for this purpose.

What is proper respiratory etiquette?
Respiratory etiquette is a way for people with a persistent cough, sneezing or runny nose to avoid spreading germs and viruses. When a person coughs or sneezes, they should turn away and cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue and promptly discard it. Alternatively, they can cough or sneeze into their elbow.

I have a runny nose. Should I be concerned?
There are many causes for runny noses. The CDC is recommending that people seek care if they have respiratory symptoms – usually a dry cough – and a fever of 100.4° or higher.

International Travel

What is your policy on international travel?
We have cancelled all funded overseas travel through August 31 and have cancelled Summer Abroad programs. Per CDC guidelines, individuals returning from any international travel should self-quarantine for 14 days and closely monitor their health.

Domestic Travel

What is your policy regarding domestic travel?
The University has canceled all sponsored domestic travel until further notice.


Which events are canceled?
All CSU on-campus events have been canceled until further notice.