Courageous Conversations

How to Normalize the Conversation Around Substance Use and Mental Health - May 2023

Date(s) of Event: 
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 (All day)

The MetroHealth Office of Opioid Safety in partnership with CSU's Wellness and Prevention Program will address factors that influence substance use decisions, debunk myths around substance use and mental health, and discuss evidence-based, practical strategies that encourage productive discussions around alcohol and substance use including the intersection with mental health self-care. View the recorded conversation here.

denisekearyDenise Keary
Wellness and Prevention Program Coordinator, CSU
libbeypelaiaLibbey Pelaia
Educator in the Office of Opioid Safety, MetroHealth
nataliecopelandNatalie Copeland-Traster
Educator in the Office of Opioid Safety, MetroHealth
aliscoufieldAli Martin Scoufield
Assistant Vice President of Campus Engagement and Dean of Students, CSU