Dr. Vickie Coleman Gallagher
Department of Management
Dr. Grace H. Huang
Teacher Education
Brown Bag Lunch - April 27, 2023
The Refugee Employment Journey: Mechanisms to Ensure Success:
Dr. Vickie Coleman GallagherCo-Director, CRIS |
Dr. Polly KiratikosolrakAssistant Professor of Practice |
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This presentation is based on a book chapter, existing literature, as well as ongoing research about the refugee employment journey. Our systemic view reimagines opportunities for ongoing collaborations and enhancement of the refugee experience.
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Multidimensional fit (MDF) has been coined as "elusive" and relevant to an individual's social identity and self-concept, unfolding over time as individuals assess their fit relative to Person-Organization, Person-Vocation, Person-Job, and Person-Team Fit. In this paper, we review the literature as it relates to the refugee employment journey, MDF, and HRM practices that facilitate or inhibit MDF. Furthermore, our process-oriented view of the refuge path highlights the complexity of their experience, noting an array of antecedents as they relate to country, host country and individual differences, interventions through NGOs, refugee resettlement agencies, and organizations, as well as the less explored entrepreneurial path. These diverse paths and the process of finding fit, and the obstacles refugees face, is viewed through the lens of shocks and reassessment of MDF throughout their journey. Finally, our outcomes illustrate individual wellbeing factors, organizational level benefits, as well as community level benefits to MDF.
Gallagher, V.C., Baranik, L., Hamdani, M.R., & Valcea, S., Kiratikosolrak, P. & Wheeler, A. (2021). Multi-Dimensional (Mis)Fit: A Systemic View of the Refugee Employment Journey from an HRM Perspective, Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Eds. Buckley, M.R., Wheeler, A.R., Baur, J.E., and Halbesleben, J.R.B. (Vol. 39, pp. 241-290).
Dr. Vickie Coleman Gallagher
Department of Management
Dr. Grace H. Huang
Teacher Education