Faculty Senate
Campus Location Berkman Hall 320 Phone: 216-687-9250 j.mccrone@csuohio.edu
In Memoriam – CSU Faculty
The Cleveland State University Faculty Senate respectfully remembers and acknowledges faculty colleagues and their contributions to our University and students.

James A. Lock
Professor Emeritus
October 28, 2023
Over his career, Jim published more than 150 peer-reviewed articles (and several post-retirement) and forged international collaborations. At CSU, he was recognized with the College Outstanding Research Award and the University Distinguished Research Award, as well as the Jennie S. Hwang Faculty Excellence Award.

Kenneth Nevadomi
Professor Emeritus
September 8, 2023
Ken, a proud veteran of both the United States Air Force and the United States Army, left an indelible mark on Cleveland State University and our Department of Art and Design. He discovered his love of painting while serving in the military.

David Wallace Adams
Professor Emeritus
August 8, 2023
His deep interest in indigenous cultures led him to a scholarly career working on Native American education, including as a teacher and administrator on the Navajo reservation in Arizona and the Navajo Alamo reservation in New Mexico. When Dave retired from CSU, he continued to research, write and teach courses in history and cultural foundations in education.

Todd A. Morgan
Assistant Professor

Robert Klein
Emeritus Professor
Dr. Klein was a faculty member in the Physics department for many years. He was a founder and director of the alternative First College at CSU. His love of teaching complex physics theories to every student, even those terrified of the subject, is evident in the many tributes students paid over the years after having him as a professor. He loved being at a newly founded inner city state university in the 1960's and worked to help make it accessible to all. ~Dr. Joanne Goodell

Michelle Clark
Assistant Professor - Nursing
Dr. Clark earned her PhD in nursing from the University of Missouri-Kansas and joined CSU in 2020 as an Assistant Professor. She was a board-certified psychiatric mental health nurse with degrees in religion, spiritual care, and counseling. Her research focused on eliminating the stigma associated with mental health disorders.

Edward Haymes
Professor - Modern Languages
November 25, 2022
He was the author or co-author of nine books, editor of six more, and author of scores of articles. He retired as a full professor from Cleveland State University in 2010, where he chaired the Modern Languages Department and Directed the Honors College during his tenure.

Mark H. Ashcraft
Professor and Department Chair - Psychology
September 6, 2022
Mark retired in 2020 after over 40 years of teaching and was named Professor Emeritus at both CSU and UNLV.

Bruce A. Beatie
Professor -- Modern Languages
July, 2022
In 1970, he joined Cleveland State University as chair of the Modern Languages Department and continued to teach at CSU until his retirement. He was a Tolkien and Arthurian Scholar.

Browne Lewis
Professor of Law
June 2, 2022
In her time at CSU C|M|LAW, Dean Lewis had a profound impact on our school and our students. She was the Leon M. and Gloria Plevin Professor of Law and the founding Director of the Law School’s Center for Health Law & Policy, spearheading an innovative approach that connected countless law students to the professional opportunities in health law.
Jae-Won Lee
Professor Emeritus -- Communication
March 8, 2022
Dr. Lee achieved numerous honors and awards, including three additional Fulbright Scholarships for teaching and research in Korea, Botswana, and Nepal. He received the 2011 Society of Professional Journalists Distinguished Service Award. Highlights of his professional journalistic career include covering the 1988 Seoul Olympics and working for the incumbent campaign of Senator John Glenn.

Michael L. Mauldin
Professor -- Theatre Arts Department
January 5, 2022
As both actor and director, Dr. Mauldin enhanced Cleveland’s theatrical landscape, directing highly-regarded productions at CSU, where he also created and produced four seasons of the critically-acclaimed Summer Stages Repertory Company.

Ronald G. Schultz
Electrical Engineering
December 29, 2021
Ron served as chairman of the School of Electrical Engineering and as Dean of Graduate Studies at Cleveland State University. Ron was a Registered Professional Engineer and worked on many cases involving litigation of electrical accidents.

Earnest Poulos
Associate Professor - Mechanical Engineering
June 13, 2021
Areas of Interest: Turbomachinery, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics.

Philip DeGroot
Associate Professor - Engineering
August 31, 2021
He went on to serve as an Army Reserve officer, eventually attaining the rank of Major. Following his full-time service, Philip began teaching, a pursuit that would be lifelong. He continued his education at Cleveland State University and Utah State University, where he received his doctorate. He went on to teach at Drexel University and Cleveland State University, where he received tenure.

Roger Manning
Professor Emeritus - History
January 23, 1932 — May 30, 2021
He served as Chairman of the History Department and Director of Graduate Studies. He was the author of six books, four published by Oxford University Press. His last book was published by Bloomsburry in 2016.

Edward Barton Bell, Jr.
Professor --Economics
May 5, 1942--May 21, 2022
In 1971, he joined the Economics Department at Cleveland State University. In this role he was able to further his passions for economics, research, and teaching.

Nancy Klein
Professor Emerita and Former Associate Dean - Education
December 11, 2021
After earning her doctorate in education from Case Western Reserve University in 1973, she became a Professor of Education at Cleveland State University (CSU) for over 30 years becoming professor emeritus.

Elise G. Jancura
Professor - Accounting
September 18, 2021
Dr. Jancura (PhD, MBA) was past Associate Dean of CSU's College of Business Administration, as well as Chairperson of the Accounting and Business Law Departments. She specialized in Accounting and Computer and Information Science.

Elyse B. Fleming
Professor - Education
July 12, 2021
Lee’s career focus was on the development of academic and personal skills of young women so they could achieve in all fields including STEM.

Charles Washington
October 7, 1949-May 19, 2021
Dr. Washington was a Professor at Indiana University, Purdue University (IUPUI), Jackson State University, and Cleveland State University. He also taught a few evening classes at Lakeland Community College.

Ernest L. Hisey
Associate Professor Emeritus – Music
October 27, 1937-May 8, 2021
Ernest used his musical talent and education to teach and lead others, of all ages, around the world.

David Bynum
April 4, 2021
Professor Bynum wrote many scholarly articles on oral narrative, as well as translations from Serbo-Croatian of oral heroic poetry collected in the field by him and his two predecessors at Harvard University. He retired from Cleveland State University after 22 years.

Toshinori Munakata
Professor - Computer Science
April 4, 2021
He spent most of his career as a Professor of Computer Science at Cleveland State University, with research spanning many of the most important realms of artificial intelligence. In 2011, Toshinori was profiled as one of the "25 Japanese people that changed the world" in the 25th Anniversary edition of Newsweek Japan.

Jeffrey Brudney
Professor - Public Administration and Former Albert A. Levin Chair of Urban Studies and Public Service
April 2021
Dr. Brudney’s mark on the fields of nonprofit research, public service, and public administration cannot be overstated... and over his career he was a renowned teacher, mentor, and scholar...

Eugene A. Klingshirn
Professor Emeritus - Electrica Engineering
February 26, 2021
...returning to Fenn College of Engineering at Cleveland State University in 1960 as Professor of Electrical Engineering. His passion for teaching and learning extended beyond the classroom...

James Shuerger
Professor - Psychology
January 7, 2021
More than any other person we have ever met, Jim displayed and lived a life marked by humanity.

Teresa LaGrange
Associate Professor, Associate Dean, and Vice Provost – Sociology
December 2, 2020
“...she worked as an Assistant Professor, Associate Dean, and finally as a Vice Provost at Cleveland State University before her retirement in 2016...”

Michael H. “Mickey” Davis
Professor Emeritus– Law
November 16, 2020
We mourn the loss of one of our law school's prominent scholars and beloved teachers, and celebrate his career and significant impact on generations of lawyers.

Boaz Kahana
Professor – Psychology
November 6, 2020
Boaz was a mentor and committed to the success of his students and fellow faculty members.

Robert P. Mensforth
Associate Professor – Anthropology
July 8, 2020

Constance C. Hollinger
Professor – Psychology
April 17, 2020
It would be difficult to identify any committee or program at CSU that did not benefit from her contributions.

James "Jay" McLoughlin
Professor, Dean, and Interim Provost – Education
March, 2020
Edward T. (Ted) Bartlett
Associate Professor – Philosophy
February 23, 2020

Frederick H. G. Holck
Professor – Religious Studies
January 15, 2020
Dr. Holck’s wide-ranging research interests, centering especially on the religions of Asia, are reflected in his various publications. He authored articles in German and English on asceticism in ancient India, and was editor of Death and Eastern Religions (1974) and co-editor of Ethics in World Religions (1987).

Ferris Anthony
Professor and Dean of Continuing Education -
Counseling, Administration, Supervision and Adult Learning
January 10, 2020

Wilhelmina Manns
Professor – Social Work
January 2, 2020
During her time as a member of the CSU social work faculty she contributed to the development of the MSW program which received initial accreditation from the Council on Social Work Education in 1996.

Ching L. Chang
Professor – Mathematics
December 28, 2019

Earl M. Mortensen
Associate Professor – Chemistry
December 23, 2019

Norman Krumholz
Professor – Urban Studies
December 21, 2019
Throughout his teaching career, Norm inspired many students at the Levin College. Dozens of graduates of its urban planning program entered the field of community development having had Norm as a teacher and mentor.
Paul D. Hambourger
Associate Professor – Physics
December 19, 2019
The strongest aspect of Paul’s contribution to the education of our students was the steady mentoring over the years, and the research collaborations with numerous… students.
Louis R. Barbato
Associate Professor – English
December 10, 2019
Louis was widely acknowledged as a master teacher. He was not the type of teacher who tried to turn his students into acolytes. Rather, he sought to develop his students’ own understanding and abilities.

Everett F. Cataldo
Professor – Political Sciences
November 18, 2019
He had the vision to research some of the most important issues of his generation and the research skills to publish his findings in all of the leading journals.
Sonia Leib Abels
Associate Professor – Social Work
September 24, 2019
After creating the multidisciplinary journal, Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, Professor Abels served as its Founding Editor beginning in 1974 until 1999. She continued to serve on the Executive Board of the journal until 2012.

Mareyjoyce Green
Associate Professor – Sociology
September 13, 2019
As a member of CSU’s first generation of faculty, this joint passion for her service activity and her students remains a leading example of how we strengthen our educational mission with service and community engagement activity.
Thomas E. Donaldson
Professor – Art
August 28, 2019
John W. Spring
Assistant Professor – Engineering Technology
August 19, 2019

Georgia Lesh-Laurie
Professor; Dean, Arts & Sciences; Dean, Graduate Studies; and Interim Provost
May 9, 2019

Jack A. Soules
Professor and Dean – Physics
May 1, 2019
Michael R. Baumer
Associate Professor – Philosophy
April 18, 2019
While his interest in logic never waned, Michael broadened his purview by, as it were, reaching back, and he became a skilled scholar and teacher of the works of Plato and Aristotle.
John E. Blank
Professor – Anthropology
April 1, 2019

Sundaresan Kondagunta
Professor – Mathematics
February 16, 2019
As a researcher Sundaresan was a tenacious and ingenious problem solver, not given to throw in the towel when the going got rough and usually able to bring home the prize. As a teacher he was patient and extremely lucid in his blackboard style and this was key to his success in this category.
Campus Location Berkman Hall 320 Phone: 216-687-9250 j.mccrone@csuohio.edu