Faculty/Staff Political Activity FAQs

CSU encourages all faculty and staff to fully and freely exercise their constitutional right to vote, as well as to express their personal opinions regarding candidates and issues.

However, these rights must be exercised in a way that does not suggest that CSU is endorsing a candidate or cause. The guidance below answers some basic questions about permissible political and campaign activity. For more information, contact the Office of General Counsel.

Important note for classified employees: Employees in classified service of the State of Ohio are subject to additional restrictions on political activities under Ohio law. “Classified service” for the purpose of political activity includes “all persons in active pay status serving in the competitive classified civil service of the State,” and “Political activity” is defined as “partisan activities, campaigns and elections involving primaries, partisan ballots or partisan candidates” per Ohio Admin. Code § 123:1-46-02.

The following FAQs apply to classified employees only to the extent that the activity described is permitted by law (see above and Ohio Admin. Code § 123:1-46-02).

Note that these FAQs are not exhaustive; considerable judgment in the application of certain principles discussed below is likely to be required. Please consult the Office of General Counsel if you have questions or need additional guidance. 

Employees, regardless of designation as classified or unclassified, are restricted from using their university position, university facilities and resources, or the university name in any form that suggests any form of institutional political endorsement of any candidate or ballot issue. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Use of University letterhead and logos in any announcement, advertising, publication or correspondence;
  • Use of University office supplies, equipment or staff services;
  • Use of University office space and other facilities (please see question below on use of campus facilities for political events);
  • Use of University email, websites, social media accounts, message boards or other electronic forum owned and/or operated by the University;
  • Providing or using University mailing or email lists; and
  • Use of employee work time.

For the purpose of this guidance, political activity or campaign activity includes fundraising or advocating for or against a political candidate or ballot measure, as well as performing work for a candidate, ballot measure or political party. If you are not sure whether something you want to do is a political or campaign activity, please contact the Office of General Counsel.

You or your office/department may invite a candidate to campus in one of two ways: 

  1. As part of a debate or candidate forum in which all legally qualified candidates are invited and given equal opportunity to speak; or 
  2. In a non-candidate capacity, where the individual was chosen to speak for reasons other than his or her candidacy and where no political or campaign activity is conducted or reference to the election is made. 

Yes. You may invite a candidate to campus in your individual capacity, so long as you reserve campus facilities in the same way that members of the general public do, including making any required payment. Because of your affiliation with the University, invitations and other material related to the event must include the following disclaimer: 

This event is sponsored by [your name]. The use of Cleveland State University facilities for this event does not constitute an endorsement by Cleveland State University. Cleveland State University does not endorse any candidate or ballot measure in this or any other election. 

Yes. The student organization you advise may invite a candidate to campus and invite the University community, so long as the organization reserves campus facilities in the same way that student organizations usually do. If an event sponsored by a student organization is open to the general public, the organization must reserve campus facilities in the same way that members of the general public reserves campus facilities, including making any required payment. Because of the student organization’s affiliation with the University, invitations or other material must include the following disclaimer: 

This event is sponsored by  [name of organization]. The use of Cleveland State University facilities for this event does not constitute an endorsement by Cleveland State University. Cleveland State University does not endorse any candidate or ballot measure in this or any other election. 

Yes. Your office or department may sponsor a non-partisan voter registration drive, so long as the activities and location are not chosen in order to target voters of a particular party or help a particular candidate.

No. This is illegal under both federal law and state law.

Yes, but care must be taken to ensure that your endorsement does not appear to be an endorsement by Cleveland State University. Accordingly, you may not provide endorsements on University letterhead or use any University logo in any correspondence related to your endorsement. If an endorsement identifies you using your CSU title, you must clarify that use of your name does not indicate endorsement by CSU. 

Yes, but only outside of working hours.

No. While issue advocacy by the University may seem beneficial to the University in certain circumstances, it is never permissible for the University, including a particular University program or department, to endorse (or oppose) a specific ballot measure. 

Non-classified employees may do so outside of working hours, but not in any way that suggests that you are doing so in your University capacity or on behalf of the University. You may not distribute flyers to, or otherwise solicit votes from, students or anyone who may work for you or is in your chain of command. You may not use any University resources in connection with the distribution of flyers.  

Yes, but only during non-working hours and away from the University. You may not invite or otherwise solicit contributions from students or anyone who works for you or is in your chain of command. You may not use any University resources in connection with the fundraising event. 


Wearing a button, t-shirt, mask or other article of clothing with a political message/affiliation while teaching/performing one’s job can be problematic, as it may be perceived as CSU endorsing a candidate/party through its employees, which is not permissible under law. Please consider your role in terms of interfacing with students and the public, as well as your supervisory status relative to employees, and exercise prudence in this area. 

Yes. You may establish genuine curricular activities aimed at educating students about the political process. You may not use a class assignment to influence your students in favor or against a particular candidate/ballot measure. You may not give your students credit (or any other thing of value) for voting. 

The answer to this question depends on your employment status and the nature of the office you are seeking. Please contact the Office of General Counsel before taking any action to run for office. 

No. It is not permissible to use a CSU resource to support a candidate.

Faculty and staff members in need of assistance can contact Impact as part of our Employee Assistance Program at (800) 227-6007 for live and immediate assistance.

Mailing Address
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2000