Graduate Student Organizations

Organizations and clubs affiliated with graduate education:


The purpose of this organization shall be to unify members of the School Psychology graduate program. The organization shall accomplish this end by the following means: providing a forum for School Psychology students to discuss issues pertaining to the School Psychology program and the profession of School Psychology; initializing networking opportunities and allowing for socialization opportunities outside of an academic setting; providing a forum to share knowledge and support with other school psychology students; to advance professional ethics and skills; providing student cooperation in the orientation of program applications.


GSA is open to all CSU graduate students with the College of Graduate Studies; to provide CSU graduate students with an on-campus social and professional network and to promote and address the interests of graduate students in all the different disciplines at the university in a fair and equitable way.

Doctor of Physical Therapy 3 (DPT 3)

DPT is an organization of currently enrolled and registered Cleveland State University students admitted to the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Cleveland State University. The purpose of the organization is to further our education, professionalism and practice in the health care field of Physical Therapy, and to promote our profession throughout the greater Cleveland area and the Cleveland State community.

Doctor of Physical Therapy Student Association 2 (DPT 2)

The purpose of the organization shall be to further our education, professionalism and practice in the health care field of Physical Therapy, as well as promote our profession throughout Cleveland State University and greater Cleveland, for second year students.

Doctor of Physical Therapy Student Association (DPT)

The purpose of the organization shall be to further our education, professionalism and practice in the health care field of Physical Therapy, as well as promote our profession throughout Cleveland State University and greater Cleveland.

Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Research Club

The purpose of the organization shall be to provide graduate students a forum that allows them to share their research findings with other students, to further our understanding of aspects of science and engineering that we normally do not encounter in our day to day research, and to actively host and participate in technical symposia and other scientific expositions with Cleveland State University and at other learning institutions.

Urban Education Doctoral Student Organization (Urban Ed)

The purpose of the organization shall be to provide networking and support for doctoral students in the Urban Education program.

WeTeach@CSU (We Teach)

The purpose of this organization shall be to provide a resource for students in the CSU Teach program to gather, learn, socialize and share knowledge about the teaching profession.

CSU Student Professional Organizations

Organizations and clubs directly affiliated with graduate education, and may include undergraduate membership.

Accounting Association (Acct. Assoc.)

The purpose of the organization shall be to promote student awareness in the field of accounting. Students will develop and cultivate an ever deepening sense of responsibility for self-improvement, through study, networking, and personal initiative; thus broadening their awareness of the vast opportunities available in the accounting profession. The organization strives to foster active members who will strive diligently at obtaining employment with accounting and professional businesses.

Advertising Association (Advert. Assoc.)

The purpose of the organization shall be (1) to provide and promote a better understanding of the functions of advertising and its value; (2) to stimulate and encourage advertising professionalism through advertising education; (3) to apply the skills, creativity, and energy of advertising to help solve social problems; (4) to develop the individual abilities of its members; (5) and to promote fellowship and free exchange of ideas. The Cleveland State Advertising Association shall be a college chapter of the American Advertising Association (AAF).

American Chemical Society (ACS)

American Chemical Society Student Affiliation: The American Chemical Society encourages its members to become acquainted with other chemistry students with similar interests, promote chemistry education in the community through chemistry demonstrations, become familiar with area chemical industries; and helps members to find their career goal in chemistry.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE)

The goal of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers is to provide professional, personal, and academic enrichment to individuals interested in the field of chemical engineering.

American Marketing Association (AMA)

The goal of CSU AMA is fourfold: to help students expand their knowledge acquired in college through practical experience, to create a strong networking system with corporations and faculty, to achieve a differential advantage that is crucial to becoming successful in the business world, and to enrich students' college careers by creating interest and pride in our school.

American Medical Student Association (AMSA)

The purpose of this organization will be to disseminate information to students concerning applications for acceptance to Medical schools, MCAT and AMCAS information, criteria needed to perform competitively on the MCAT and any other pertinent information needed to support the aforementioned statements. Speakers will be invited to provide additional information about various aspects of their particular programs.

American Planning Association (APA)

It shall be the purpose of the CSU/APA to be a representative organization of the students of Cleveland State University, who share a common desire to use their academic training to effect positive social change. This organization will work to provide leadership in the development of vital communities by advocating excellence in community planning, promoting education and citizen empowerment, and in providing the tools and support necessary to meet the challenges of growth and change in the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University, and the community they serve. The organization exists to provide members with a network and a community for intellectual and social exchange beyond the classroom setting.

Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)

The purpose of the organization shall be to prepare students for the Information Technology (IT) industry by creating and providing opportunities for networking, hands-on experience, and insight into the computing field.

Chi Sigma Iota (Chi Sigma)

This organization promotes scholarship, research, professionalism, and excellence in counseling, and recognizes high attainment in the pursuit of academic and clinical excellence in counseling. Chi Sigma Upsilon Chapter is part of Chi Sigma Iota (CSI).

Engineers Without Borders (EWB)

The purpose of EWB-CSU is to help promote a sustainable future in underserved areas. This is be accomplished by providing leadership and technical support to these areas. The scope of work is to promote a higher standard of living. This is to be done by providing “…access to adequate sanitation, safe drinking water and resources to meet other self-identified engineering and economic development needs.”

Healthcare Professionals Association (HPA)

The purpose of this organization shall be to provide the Cleveland State University community with student based resources, information and programming relating to public health; and to provide the members of the organization with the knowledge, experience and networking to accomplish, succeed and exceed in their goals of becoming a healthcare professional.

Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (IEEE)

An academic and professional organization that has various student branches. Its purpose is to provide a medium for students to learn about the career path they have chosen, and provide an impetus for growth into their profession.

National Association for Social Work (NASW)
Net Impact (Net Impact)

The purpose of the organization shall be to increase awareness and knowledge of corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability in business.

Ohio Collegiate Music Educators Assoc. (OCMEA)

The goal of the Ohio Collegiate Music Education Association is to help keep members informed about the changes and events happening in music education with the local, state, and federal conferences of MENC (Music Educators National Conference).

Phi Beta Creative Arts Fraternity (Phi Beta Fraternity)

Phi Beta is a co-ed national professional fraternity for people who are active in any area of the creative and performing arts (music, dance, art, film, theater, speech, art, and creative writing to name a few). Members do NOT have to be majors or minors in any arts field.

Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

The Society of Human Resource Management is a national organization representing more than 80,000 professionals and student members. SHRM provides its members with education and information services as well as conferences that help keep members up to date on all current events in human resource management.

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

The Society of Automotive Engineers provides students with the practical application of classroom principles as they apply to the advancement of mobility of land, sea, air and in space.

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

The Society of Women Engineers is a professional and social organization aiming to support women in Engineering, and serves as a support group for engineering students.

Students of Pharmacy "Active RX" (Active RX)

The organization’s primary purpose and mission is to prepare students for entry into Pharmacy School as well as enhance their academic understanding and professional development in the discipline of pharmacy.

CSU Honorary Societies


Beta Alpha Psi (BAP)

The members of Beta Alpha Psi provide an arena for the association among accounting students, faculty, and professionals to increase and encourage their involvement in the organization, to provide students with a wider knowledge of all career opportunities in accounting: government, public and industry; to promote ethical, social and public responsibility; and to encourage and reward excellence.

Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)

Eta Kappa Nu recognizes scholastic achievement of Electric Engineering undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals, and promotes and strengthens the undergraduate program of our department.

Golden Key International Honour Society (Golden Key)

The purpose of the Golden Key National Honor Society is to encourage academic excellence among college and high school students.[21]

Phi Alpha National Social Work Honor Society (Phi Alpha)

Phi Alpha Honor Society recognizes and promotes scholastic achievement in the social work program at CSU and stimulates interest in preparation for a career in Social Work.

Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity (Phi Sigma Pi)

The purpose of the organization is to promote academic excellence, scholarship, leadership, and fellowship; and to serve the community through service projects. [22]

Psi Chi National Honor Society (Psi Chi)

The purpose of the organization shall be to advance the science of psychology and to encourage, stimulate, and maintain scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology.

Tau Beta Pi (Tau Beta Pi)

The purpose of the organization is to mark in a fitting manner those who have conferred honor upon their alma mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as undergraduates in engineering, to foster a liberal culture at CSU, and to perform service for the school. [23]

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue
Parker Hannifin Hall, 3rd Floor
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Hall, PH 300
2121 Euclid Avenue