Purposes and Goals

IELP Purposes and Goals


The Intensive English Language Program (IELP), the ESL Program at Cleveland State University, provides English instruction for individuals who need to improve their language skills before beginning their academic program, or to achieve professional and/or personal goals.

The IELP at Cleveland State University:

* Provides quality English language instruction through learner-centered methodology

* Serves international students enrolled or planning to enroll in college and permanent residents/US citizens of limited English proficiency who want to improve their English for academic, personal or professional reasons.

* Promotes international/intercultural exchange to help create a greater awareness and appreciation of ethnic and cultural diversity.

* Familiarizes students with Cleveland State University, Cleveland and the US through instruction, orientation and cultural activities.

The IELP Faculty and Staff:

* Provide quality instruction in a welcoming atmosphere in order to assist students in reaching their goals.

* Incorporate appropriate materials and technologies to ensure the continued progress of students' language proficiency.

* Participate in professional development to learn about new methodologies, technologies and materials.

Mailing Address
English as a Second Language Program
Cleveland State University
2605 Euclid Avenue, MM 205
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Contact Us
Michele S. Bowman, Ph.D
ESL Program Director
Mather Mansion (MM) 205