OR/FS FAQ Section

Last updated: May 2024

Organizational Resilience and Financial Stability 

What is CSU's plan for Organizational Resilience and Financial Stability (OR/FS)?
Since the summer of 2023, CSU has been evaluating its financial model to address a national trend of declining enrollment. The University is pursuing several initiatives to reduce expenses by Fiscal Year 2029 and will be strategically investing in areas to strengthen the quality of the CSU experience. As part of these efforts, the University will make reductions and adjustments to staffing and programming to serve a smaller student body.

Why is CSU seeing a decline in enrollment?
Colleges and universities in Ohio and across the United States are seeing a steady decline in the number of enrolled students. This decline is projected to continue over the next decade. CSU must adapt to this enrollment decline to continue serving as Cleveland's public, urban, research university.

Will this change the experience for CSU students?
This work is guided by a set of principles that prioritize the wellbeing of CSU students, ensuring that cost-saving recommendations will have minimal negative impact on the student experience at CSU. 

What will be the University's strategic vision following the OR/FS process?
CSU is confident that it will emerge from this process with a strong foundation for its future as Cleveland's only public, research-focused institution that creates excellent learning opportunities for all students. CSU intends to leverage technology and recognized industry tools and partnerships to strengthen its reputation and focus on the future economic, cultural and workforce needs of the region.

Opportunities for Growth

What are some of the ways that CSU is developing an improved student experience?
CSU is looking to strengthen its partnerships with industry and community organizations so that students can move into attractive, in-demand career fields after graduating. In addition, CSU is planning upgrades to its technology in order to provide dynamic degree planning to students. 

How is CSU adjusting its curriculum to serve future generations of students?
For over a year, CSU has been in the process of updating its core curriculum to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need for in-demand careers of today and tomorrow. This new core curriculum will emphasize critical thinking and build a student's professional presence.

Is CSU looking to centralize advising as one way of strengthening the quality of the CSU experience? What does that look like, and when will the University implement this centralized model?
In assessing areas of the University that could be strengthened to improve the student experience, the OR/FS Steering Committee identified advising as an area for further investment. Senior leaders are reviewing new advising models that would provide a stronger connection between student and advisor. No decisions have been made at this time, and the campus community will receive details when they are available.

Cost-saving Measures

In May 2024, the University released a consolidated findings report. Will CSU put all these items into action?
The consolidated findings report is a set of recommendations to the CSU Board of Trustees on cost-saving measures and strategic areas of growth for CSU. Upon receipt by the Board of Trustees, the senior leadership team will develop recommendations for those initiatives deemed to have the highest impact and most importance to the University.

When will CSU leadership begin implementing cost-saving measures?
Cost-saving measures will address both immediate and long-term fiscal needs and will be implemented immediately to address the current and future fiscal years.

What cost-saving measures are being implemented now?
Following Board approval at a Special Meeting of the Board held April 8, 2024, CSU began a Voluntary Separation Incentive Plan (VSIP) for eligible faculty and staff. More details about the process, including eligibility requirements and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), can be found on the VSIP 2024 SharePoint site

Will academic programs, student services, athletic programs or other university departments be reduced or eliminated as cost-saving measures?
The OR/FS process includes the evaluation of cost-saving measures across all areas of the University. 

Faculty and Staff at CSU

Is CSU offering a separation incentive program? What are the criteria for employees to be eligible?
CSU is accepting applications from eligible faculty and staff for a Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP). More details about the process, including eligibility requirements and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), can be found on the VSIP 2024 SharePoint site

Will CSU lay off employees if there aren't enough who participate in the VSIP?
Once CSU administrators know how many employees have been selected for the Voluntary Separation Incentive Plan, they will strategically determine what other actions might be needed to achieve further budget reductions.

Is CSU considering changes to compensation or benefits? 
The OR/FS process includes the evaluation of all areas of the University, including human resources. No decisions have been made that would impact current CSU employees' benefits or compensation.

Will CSU faculty and staff members see a change to their workload to accommodate fewer employees?
Senior leaders will assess workload and project needs given employee separations and a smaller student enrollment.

How can faculty and staff members provide feedback or ask questions during the OR/FS process?
Faculty and staff members can email orfs-feedback@csuohio.edu or participate in the Feedback and Recommendation Discussion Forum.

OR/FS Phase II

What is Phase II?
Following completion of the planning group's work in early fall 2023, President Bloomberg and senior leaders retained the consulting firm EY-Parthenon for their assistance in gathering and analyzing data to guide cost-containment and revenue-generation decisions. A steering committee will meet regularly with representatives from EY-Parthenon to coordinate their engagement with the campus community.

Phase II's strategic assessment is structured around two workstreams that will be implemented simultaneously:

  • Workstream 1: Identify, prioritize, and implement near-term actions that will address the operational deficit and ongoing budget challenges
  • Workstream 2: Identify strategic priorities that allow CSU to plan for a financially viable and academically thriving future

Who are members of the Steering Committee? 
The Steering Committee includes members of both the CSU Board of Trustees and the Senior Leadership Team. A full list of the group's members can be found on this webpage.

What is the timeline for completion of this work?
The Steering Committee concluded their work and presented their findings to the CSU Board of Trustees in May 2024.

OR/FS Phase I

Is Phase I of the OR/FS process complete?
In September 2023, the planning group completed their charge and presented a report to President Bloomberg with recommendations for high-level cost-saving and revenue-generating strategies for the near-, mid- and long-term. President Bloomberg shared a high-level overview of these recommendations during the State of the University address in October 2023.

What was the Organizational Resilience/Financial Stability planning group? 
The Organizational Resilience/Financial Stability (OR/FS) planning group was a cross-functional team of faculty and staff members at CSU. The senior leadership team selected members of the CSU faculty and staff who represented a wide range of the university community and were knowledgeable in many areas of CSU's key operations. A full list of the group's members can be found on this webpage

What was the planning group's charge?
This group was asked to develop recommendations for how the University could increase revenue and reduce expenses in today's changing landscape for higher education. Their charge was to develop recommendations for high-level cost-saving and revenue-generating strategies for the near-, mid- and long-term.