Pathways to Practice
Mailing Address
Pathways to Practice
2121 Euclid Avenue, CH 342
Cleveland, OH 44115
Campus Location
College of Health
2112 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.802.3193

Fresh Pathway
The Fresh Pathway is designed to increase interest and enthusiasm for a career in the medical professions as well as provide extensive support during the pre-med journey. The new track will provide comprehensive wraparound services to freshmen students including success coaching, tutoring, academic planning and advising.
Admission and Program Information
C1 Year (Provisional Year)
Year one or C1 year (also freshman year) is considered the provisional year for accepted students. During this year, students will need to demonstrate they have the ability to to successfully complete a premedical curriculum. Students will receive support services such as tutoring, mentoring, coaching and advising.
Matriculation to the C2 year will depend on successful academic performance as well as recommendation from the academic advisor. Successful academic performance is defined as:
- Suggested overall GPA of 3.5 or greater
- Suggested science (BCPM) GPA of 3.4 or greater
- Completion of at least two semesters of medical school prerequisite science courses w/lab
- Completion of at least one semester of a non-science medical school prerequisite course such as English or comparable course
C2-C4 Years
Years 2 thru 4 will focus on sustaining competitive academic performance; completing science prerequisites with competitive grades; preparation for the MCAT; exposure to urban health care; and working together as a team with other students. During these years, students will also have the opportunity to gain job shadowing experiences and will be paired with a physician mentor.
During student's C2 year or sophomore year, students will be eligible to apply to the NEOMED Early Assurance Undergraduate track. Students who are selected for the early assurance track are reserved a seat at the Northeast Ohio Medical School as long as all medical school requirements are successfully completed. This means students who are accepted and successfully complete the program will begin medical school the summer after undergrad graduation.
Click here to learn more about the early assurance undergraduate program.
Incoming Freshmen must meet all of the requirements in section A and at least 2 of the requirement in Section B to apply.
SECTION A (must meet all of the following requirements)
- Resident of Ohio
- Suggested overall high school GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Complete an application that includes an essay on why you want to be part of the program.
- Submit high school transcript
- Submit a letter of recommendation from a high school guidance counselor or foster care case manager. For veterans, submit a letter of recommendation from their Commanding Officer or Officer in Charge.
- Applied and accepted to CSU
- Successful interview with the program selection committee
SECTION B (recommend at least two of the following requirements)
- Come from a disadvantaged background or whose school district tested in the lower 50th percentile on state standardized testing or was eligible for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program for two or more years.
- Come from an underserved background or from a low-income household
- First to go to college in your family, veteran or graduate of the foster care system
*Section B is not a requirement. All students are encouraged to apply
Applications open January 2025
After applying and getting accepted to CSU, students will need to submit a complete Fresh Pathway application packet. All application materials can be submitted here. Submit all information at one time.
The application packet includes:
- Official or Unofficial Transcripts
- Letter of recommendation from a high school guidance counselor, foster care case manager, or Commanding officer/Officer in Charge
Please submit transcripts and recommendation letters in one PDF document. Use the following formats when saving and re-naming documents:
- For the application: last name_first name_freshpathway_app (example: smith_john_freshpathway_app)
- For letter of recommendation and transcripts( one PDF document): last name _first name_ freshpathway_LORT (example:smith_john_freshpathway_LORT)
If you have any questions regarding the Fresh Pathway program or would like to schedule an appointment, please email us at
For general information regarding the pre-med major, please contact Career Development and Explorations Services.
Mailing Address
Pathways to Practice
2121 Euclid Avenue, CH 342
Cleveland, OH 44115
Campus Location
College of Health
2112 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.802.3193