Mailing Address
Office of the Provost
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 333
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Administration Center, Room 333
2300 Euclid Avenue
Phone: 216.687.3588
Fax: 216.687.9290
CSU's Commitment to Faculty Development

Cleveland State University is committed to faculty development and improving the work-life balance through family friendly faculty policies and mentoring opportunities.
Our university is one of ten institutions that is part of IDEAL-N, a three-year NSF project that focuses on the transformation of university culture, enhancing diversity, and inclusion. Outlined below are the initiatives that CSU's institutional transformation team have implemented in years one and two of the program, as well as year three, which is in progress.
1. Work-Life Balance
CSU views work-life balance as a means to enable faculty to fulfill their career aspirations at the University as well as meet their responsibilities outside of work, and to improve our ability to attract and retain talented faculty. Over the first two years of CSU's participation in IDEAL-N, policies and procedures developed and implemented include tenure clock extension rules, temporarily modified duties, and needs or other arrangements for partners of faculty. Read more about the commitment reached between the administration and the CSU-AAUP below.
2. Mentoring
CSU has initiated the structure of a faculty mentoring program, facilitating the relationship between junior faculty and senior faculty. The program was founded by the IDEAL-N team and Dr. Joanne Goodell, and is suitable for all faculty and will be open to all who wish to become involved.
The rationale for instituting the mentoring program is to help junior faculty during their transition to positions in higher education. Dr. Bill Morgan, Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs, says that "universities such as CSU investing in mentoring programs are rewarded with committed and engaged academic team that improves morale and promotes student learning."
Listed below are some of the events that CSU has already held or that are coming up in year three of our participation in IDEAL-N.
2.1 Speed Mentoring
On March 22, 2018, a "speed mentoring" session took place where potential mentors met mentees. It provided an opportunity for junior faculty to connect with senior faculty, while also ensuring that relationships are not forced on one another if it is not the best fit.
Surveys were distributed to participants for their feedback to help improve future sessions. Overall, the participants agreed that the event was welcoming, productive, helpful, and a constructive use of their time.
2.2 Faculty Panel Discussion
On April 19, 2018, a Faculty Panel Discussion for pre-tenured faculty was held. The panelists discussed their career as a faculty member at CSU, with an emphasis on pointing out the answers to "What I needed to know but nobody told me."
3. Five-Minute Research Pitch
In order to improve the research collaboration among junior tenure track faculty in different academic units, College of Business initiated the 5RP Program. The program is managed by the IDEAL-N team with the goal of providing a platform for faculty to showcase their research and seek collaboration in the form of shared database usage, co-authorships and editing services. The first meeting was held in Spring 2018 semester and junior faculty from Finance, Accounting and Economics Departments participated.
Faculty Resources and Policies
- Resources and Policies for Faculty – Includes the amended CSU-AAUP language for Work-Life Balance and Tenure Extension. Also highlights CSU's dedication to diversity, benefits, employee assistance, long-term disability benefits, tuition benefits, employee discount program, new faculty orientation, and using the Center for Faculty Excellence.
- IDEAL-N – Information from Case Western University on the specifics of the IDEAL-N program.
- Family Friendly Faculty Policies (IDEAL-N plenary sessions)
Meet the Team (IDEAL-N)
CSU's IDEAL-N team consists of Co-Director Dr. William Morgan, Change Leader Dr. Oya Tukel, and Social Scientist Dr. Cheryl Bracken.

Dr. William Morgan, Vice Provost
Administration Center, AC 333

Dr. Oya Tukel, Associate Dean
Change Leader
Monte Ahuja College of Business, BU 417

Dr. Cheryl Bracken, Associate Dean
Social Scientist
Rhodes Tower, RT 1822
Mailing Address
Office of the Provost
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 333
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Parker Hannifin Administration Center, Room 333
2300 Euclid Avenue
Phone: 216.687.3588
Fax: 216.687.9290