
Coming Up: Center for Human-Machine Systems Summit

September 6, 2024

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Recap: TECH Hub AI Symposium

April 26, 2024

photo 1To use or not to use AI? That was not the question at the TECH Hub's AI Symposium on Friday, April 26. Bringing together nearly 100 CSU faculty, students and community leaders, the daylong event centered more on how to use AI and incorporate it into the classroom, research and more.

"It's an everywhere thing," said one student panelist. "Our generation especially needs to learn how to use it properly. ... When we get into the workforce, this tool is going to be there. We're going to need to know how to use it."

"How do we make sure we remain competitive as a university and make sure we help our students be competitive and help Cleveland stay competitive?" posed Dr. Richard Schoephoerster, Dean of the Washkewicz College of Engineering.

The opening session, led by Dr. Schoephoerster, Dr. Andrew Kersten, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and Dr. Kelle DeBoth Foust, TECH Hub Managing Director, helped set the stage for the day. Using interactive software, they took a pulse on how attendees are feeling about AI. Most said they were excited about its possibilities. Others admitted they felt nervous and threatened, in addition to being excited. AI, they said, is both an exciting and challenging opportunity.

When asked about how they are currently using AI on campus, responses ranged from “nothing” to “learning about it” to “incorporating it into courses and assignments.” Many attendees expressed a desire to learn more about AI and its potential and to have a dedicated resource on campus to support them in using AI.

A panel of students shared how they first started engaging with AI. Many of them noted it wasn't in the classroom but through outside activities and interests. They stressed that students are interested in understanding how it can be a resource and encouraged faculty to incorporate it into courses and set very clear guidelines on its use. Other highlights of the day included sessions showcasing faculty research that incorporated AI and a series of case studies of how faculty across disciplines have used AI in their classrooms.

A big thank you to all those who helped plan and make the day a success, and to all the presenters for sharing your wisdom with our CSU TECH Hub community!

My'Jai Brown, Dr. Molly Buckley-Marudas, Dr. Melissa Clark, Dr. Kelle DeBoth Foust, Kathy Fisher, Dr. Melanie E. Gagich, Dr. Joanne Goodell, Mandi Goodsett, Dr. Brian Harper, Caitlin Hawkins, Dr. Claire Hughes, Dr. Andrew Kersten, Alayna Klco Smith, Dr. Selma Koc, Diane Kolosionek, Jared Limberg, Dr. Xiongyi Liu, Dr. Rachel Lovell, Theresa Nawalaniec, Dr. Becky Odom-Bartel, Eliot Oreskovic, Hilary Plum, Brian Ray, Chris Rennison, Dr. Angel Reyes-Rodriguez, Dr. Shelley Rose, Dr. Richard Schoephoerster, Dr. Eric Shearer, Elisabeth Stahl, Dr. Patty Stoddard Dare, Rajsham Taylor, Emilie Zickel