Messages and Updates

President Bloomberg and the Strategic Planning Task Force is committed to communicating regularly with the CSU community during the strategic planning process. Communications distributed to students, faculty, staff members and university partners will be archived here.

University Messages

September 25, 2024 — Our Emerging Strategic Plan
President Bloomberg shared an update on the strategic planning process and available resources, including recorded information sessions and the new Strategic Planning webpage.

August 12, 2024 — CSU's Next Strategic Plan
In a message to the CSU community, President Bloomberg provided initial information on the strategic planning process and announced the formation of the Strategic Planning Task Force.


September 18, 2024 — Staff Information Session
During this session, staff reviewed recent changes to draft strategy statements as a result of campus feedback and participated in Q&A.

September 3, 2024 — All-Campus Information Session
President Bloomberg and members of the Strategic Planning Task Force delivered the first all-campus update on the strategic planning process and findings to date. At the end of the session, attendees had the option to complete a survey and provide their feedback.