The CSU Viking Welcome Page
All-In-1 Enrollment Services
2121 Euclid Avenue
Berkman Hall, Room 116
Cleveland , OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.5411
Parking Options

CSU offers a variety of parking options to fit your needs. Below are a few general guidelines and recommendations.
Parking permits are purchased via the CSUGO online parking portal. Simply log in with your CSU ID and CampusNet password. Make your selection and add the charge to your student account or pay with a debit/credit card. A valid vehicle license plate number is required at the time of registration.
About permits:
- Permits allow you to park in prepaid parking areas on campus based on the color of the permit. Green permits allow you to park in the campus core. White permits give access to non-core lots, one to three blocks from the campus core.
- Permits are electronic – your license plate serves as your permit. CSU students are required to register their vehicle license plate when purchasing a permit.
- Access gated lots and garages by scanning your Viking ID card which is linked to your purchased permit.
- To park overnight (12 a.m.–5 a.m.) an overnight permit is required. Campus residents receive overnight parking as part of their residential parking permits, but commuters must purchase an overnight permit.
Students who park on campus three or more times per week find a permit is the preferred option. Prepaid permits are sold by semester.
If you aren’t on campus often, you may choose to park in garages or surface lots with “visitor” or “public parking” designations. CSU lots require pre-payment via meter, pay station or the Text2Park mobile option. Garages require payment upon exit.
TIP: Most parking areas fill up by 9 a.m. If you arrive later than 9 a.m. plan on walking a bit further to class.
Resident students are offered parking (including overnight parking privileges) in the White lots, Green lots and the Prospect Garage. Assignments are made based on student preference and availability. If your housing contract is cancelled, residence hall parking is also cancelled. Residence hall students are not permitted to register for commuter parking.
Explore Alternative Transportation

Parking and Transportation Services
Get full details on permits, ADA and visitor parking, van rentals and more!
All-In-1 Enrollment Services
2121 Euclid Avenue
Berkman Hall, Room 116
Cleveland , OH 44115
Phone: 216.687.5411