The Academic Misconduct Process

All policies and procedures can be found on this website under Policy and Procedures. Please refer to these official documents for any questions. You may also reach out to the Office of Community Standards and Advocacy with questions by emailing

Being Charged with Academic Misconduct

  • If you are charged with violating the academic misconduct policy, you will be notified in writing, usually via email
  • This notification will include which faculty member charged you with academic misconduct and for what class
  • You will also be informed on the level of the violation: whether it is a Minor Infraction, Major Infraction, or Program Infraction
  • You will be informed of your right to appeal
  • You may be called into a meeting to discuss the charge of academic misconduct. You are invited to bring a support person to that meeting with you should you wish. 

The Appeal Process

  • If you disagree with your faculty member who charged you with academic misconduct, you may appeal the decision by contacting the Office of Community Standards and Advocacy. Email to request your appeal
  • You have 5 business days to notify the Community Standards Officer of your intent to appeal
  • There are several levels of appeal. The first is to the department Chair. The second is to the Dean of the College. The final appeal is to the Academic Misconduct Review Committee
  • Appealing to the Chair and the Dean is the same process
  • Appealing to the Chair: The Community Standards Officer will work with you as the charged student, the charging faculty member and the Chair to schedule a time to meet
  • A 30-45 min Appeal meeting will be scheduled where the faculty member explains why they charged you with academic misconduct. You as the charged student can respond to those charges and explain why you are not responsible. The decision maker (Chair) then has five business days to make a decision on the appeal 
  • If you disagree with the outcome of the Chair appeal, you may request an appeal to the Dean with the Community Standards Officer within 5 business days
  • The appeal to the Dean occurs in the same way
  • If you disagree with the outcome of the Dean appeal, you may request an appeal to the Academic Misconduct Review Committee by contacting the Community Standards Officer within 5 business days
  • The Chair and Dean, respectively, as decision makers in the appeal cases are determining whether or not you are responsible for the academic misconduct with which you were charged and found responsible by the charging faculty member

Academic Misconduct Review Committee

  • The Academic Misconduct Review Committee (AMRC) is a standing committee of two faculty members, one student member, and the Community Standards Officer as a non-voting member
  • The charged student, charging faculty member, and members of the Academic Misconduct Review Committee are present
  • The charged student is also invited to bring a support person
  • AMRC meetings occur in person or virtually and last up to two hours as needed
  • Both parties have the opportunity to share information with the AMRC
  • The AMRC will vote and make a determination within five business days of the meeting and notify all parties