Tips for Students

Being accused of violating the University's academic integrity policy can be a challenging experience. Below are some tips to help students navigate the process.

Meeting with the faculty member

  • If a faculty member asks to meet about a reported Academic Misconduct violation, do not ignore the request or unnecessarily delay the meeting. Respond and schedule as soon as you are both available.
  • You are welcome to bring a support person to that meeting should you wish. Please notify to the faculty member if you are bringing a support person
  • Be respectful and attentive in the meeting, not rude or defensive. A faculty member bringing charges of academic misconduct is not a personal attack against you
  • When meeting with the faculty member, listen and try to understand what the charge includes. Then explain your perspective in a calm and concise way
  • If you are responsible, then accept responsibility
  • If you disagree with whether or not you are responsible or disagree with the sanction you are entitled to an appeal. You may request an appeal with the Community Standards Officer. Email the Associate Dean of Students via email at  
  • Requesting an appeal is part of your due process
  • If you are feeling stressed or anxious about the meeting or need to process how the meeting may go, there are resources to support you: