Returning to Cleveland State

Students Who Are In Good Academic Standing
Students in good academic standing at Cleveland State who have not enrolled here for three or more consecutive semesters (including summer) and have not enrolled at another university or college can reenroll at Cleveland State by completing the Leave of Absence form or by contacting All-in-1 at 216.687.5411.

Students who interrupt their enrollment at the University for three or more consecutive semesters (including summer) must meet the University graduation requirements of the catalog in effect when they reenroll.

Students Returning from Academic Dismissal/Suspension
A student can petition for readmission after two semesters under exceptional circumstances.   Petitions must be supported by at least one advisor or faculty member and are submitted to the college of their intended major.  Students who have earned more than 60 hours may not petition to an exploratory program.  The deadline for petition submission is one month prior to the beginning of the semester and each College will indicate the submission requirements for their respective readmission petition.

College advisors will explain readmission criteria (e.g., number of semesters of nonattendance, GPAs, course requirements, etc.) and offer assistance in formulating alternative academic plans for students who do not meet the college criteria (e.g. attendance at a community college, change of major, etc.).

Typically the College's Academic Standards Committee acts on students' requests and notifies them in writing of its decisions. If approved, students will also be notified in writing of the conditions of their readmission (e.g., credit hour enrollment limits, minimum GPA, completion of specified course work, etc.).

A student wishing to petition for readmission prior to the two semester absence must do so through a University Petition.  University petitions must be supported by the advisor and intended college and must be received no later than 60 days prior to the beginning of the semester of return.
Cleveland State's colleges and/or the University Petitions Committee, notifies the Office of the University Registrar of their decisions to approve or deny student readmission requests.

Students Returning from Academic Separation
An Academic Separation is a permanent separation from the university.  On rare occasions, students may be reinstated after a separation of at least two years.  Reinstatement requires approval of a petition by the University Petitions Committee. 

College advisors can explain criteria (e.g., number of semesters of nonattendance, GPAs, course requirements, etc.) and offer assistance in formulating alternative academic plans for students who do not meet the college criteria (e.g. attendance at a community college, change of major, etc.).

This petition must be supported by the advisor and intended college and must be received no later than 60 days prior to the beginning of the semester of return.

Undergraduate Admissions
2398 Euclid Ave.
Euclid Commons 100
Phone: 216-687-5411
Toll Free: 888-CSUOHIO

Graduate Admissions
Phone: 216-687-5599

Law Admissions
Phone: 216-687-2304
Toll Free: 866-687-2304