
On this page you will find information regarding workshopsresources, and CFE sponsored events Including past posters from the Provost Teaching Summit. 



Previous eDossier Recordings 

eDossier for 5th year Faculty Tuesday, February 9th, 2023 | Recording Link

eDossier for Candidate Tuesday, September 20th, 2022      | Recording Link

eDossier for Reviewers Thursday, September 22nd, 2022    | Recording Link

Topic Areas:

Emergency Response Resources page (links to relevant workshops, eLearning's Keep Teaching resources, and resources outside CSU)

To review list of workshops previously offered, click below for each academic year's offerings. All Presentation and materials from previous academic year can be found on our Blackboard site. If you do not have access please reach out to us at


CFE Highlights

Provost Teaching Summit
  • 2017

2017 Posters Descriptions.pdf


  • 2018

2018 Poster Descriptions.pdf


  • 2019

2019 Poster Presenter.pdf


  • 2020

Event Recording






Module-Based Learning & Open Textbooks in Linear Algebra

This course was redesigned into smaller modules with daily problems sets online. Each set gave students infinite attempts and direct links to further examples from the open textbook. This allows for mastery of the concepts and ensures that cost of a textbook is not a barrier to entry for our students. Results from Fall 2019 show that this format produced higher average grades than the other sections as well as fewer D's and F's.

Shawn Ryan, Mathematics

Theresa Nawalaniec, Michael Schwartz Library


Textbook Heroes at CSU

As part of the OER committee faculty gratitude campaign, this poster recognizes faculty who use open education al resources in their teaching. It will present the OER faculty and the open textbooks they use. This will give ideas of what OER is available for various fields of study. Facts about the problem of textbook affordability will be presented and solutions for helping students afford learning materials.

Heather Caprette, eLearning

Mandi Goodsett, Michael Schwartz Library

Tracy Kemp, Michael Schwartz Library

Barb Loomis, Michael Schwartz Library

Theresa Nawalaniec, Michael Schwartz Library

Ben Richards, Michael Schwartz Library


Using the Community of Inquiry Framework to Engage Students Remotely

My presentation focuses on my integration of the Community of Inquiry Framework (Garrison, 2000) into my ENG 102 classes during the online transition this spring. I briefly introduce the framework, review its benefits and challenges, and discuss its efficacy based on student survey responses.

Melanie Gagich, English


Reacting to the Past Online: Asynchronous Role Playing Activity in ENG 102

I used a combination of FlipGrid and Blackboard so that my students could complete our Reacting to the Past unit, a historical simulation of UN Security Council debates from April and May 1994 as genocide was occurring in Rwanda.

Emilie Zickel, English

  • 2021

Event Recording

Poster Title Presenter(s) Description Link

Taking the temperature of the room: fostering online connections by connecting to students' mood through imagesEmily Rauschert, Biological, Geological & Environmental Sciences Students need to feel connected to a class and to the material to learn effectively. I use pictures to start off class to recognizing students' emotional states and my own, as part of what we bring to learning each day.

Emily Rauschert, Biological, Geological & Environmental Sciences

Students need to feel connected to a class and to the material to learn effectively. I use pictures to start off class to recognizing students' emotional states and my own, as part of what we bring to learning each day.


Using a Liquid Syllabus/Class template Dana Hubbard, Criminology, Anthropology & Sociology Updates on traditional syllabus and class organization both in and out of the classroom.

Dana Hubbard, Criminology, Anthropology & Sociology

Updates on traditional syllabus and class organization both in and out of the classroom.


Flipping the Classroom on Zoom: Experiences from a Graduate Social Work Course

Cyleste Collins, Social Work

Figuring how to adapt in-person teaching to Zoom brings a number of challenges. This poster describes the presenter's experiences with her Fall 2020 graduate level human behavior theories course in adapting her normally flipped in-person classroom to a synchronous Zoom setting. The presentation emphasizes strategies and tools and shares instructor and student feedback on the experience.


Creating and Administering Online Exams

Anne O'Connor, Chemistry

In this video, I will show how to create and administer an online exam to minimize cheating

Video link

Blackboard Collaborate: Keep Track of Daily Attendance for Large Classes Delivered on Blackboard Collaborate

Anne O'Connor, Chemistry

In this video I will show how to track student attendance in Blackboard Collaborate. I will show how to combine the .csv files for each lecture meeting into one file for attendance reporting purposes.

Video link

Micro Documentary: Film Production and Storytelling Skills during the Pandemic

Cigdem Slankard, Maria Gigante & Richard Sherman, Film & Media Arts

This poster presents a new project assigned in the FMA 252: Film Production II course. In this project-based course, students typically work in teams and create short films from the inception of the idea to the completion of the final film, a process which often necessitates a large cast and crew. We developed the micro-documentary project (1) to accommodate COVID safety guidelines during film production, and (2) to make space for documentary storytelling in the scope of this course.


Applying Affordable Textbooks in Psychology

Liz Goncy, Psychology

Using open access materials and textbooks for teaching psychology.

 Navigating Online Discussions Marnie Rodriguez, Criminology, Anthropology & Sociology Building on knowledge gained by participating in several Center for Faculty Excellence and Center for E-learning opportunities at CSU, over the past year I have worked on improving my online discussion board assignments.  Here I present some strategies for navigating discussion board assignments, share some examples from my courses, and provide a few general reflections based on my experiences. Poster 

Dynamics with Desmos

Luiz Felipe Martins & Ieda Rodrigues, Mathematics

In this presentation, we describe the use of Desmos for teaching Dynamical Systems. Desmos is a free online graphing platform, which we explore to present concepts related to the study of families of flows. Topics considered include stability, phase line plots, characterization of bifurcations and drawing of bifurcation diagrams.


Fostering Engaged Learning Online

Toni Paoletta, Marketing

Simple tricks to encourage engagement online.


Using Perusall for Collaborative Reading of Open Educational Content

Thijs Heus, Physics


I present my Perusall collaborative reading setup to combine open content from a variety of sources to create a coherent online class room experience.


Using the Textbook to Strengthen Students' Online Discussion Skills

Mamadou Seck, Social Work

Teaching the dialectical methodology (Thesis; Anti-thesis; Synthesis) to strengthen discussion skills.


Affordable Resources for Teaching Human Gross Anatomy

Anne Su, Health Sciences

Assessment of open educational resources during the Textbook Affordability Summer Symposium 2020.


Innovative Online Teaching Techniques and Methods for Undergraduate Cybersecurity Course

Sathish Kumar, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

The existing undergraduate Cybersecurity course was modified to offer in asynchronous online method, without compromising the rigor and quality incorporating innovative teaching techniques and methods such as online labs, video-based instructions, and reorganization of course structure in LMS to name a few.


Using Classical Chinese Literatures to Serve Advanced Curriculum Development in Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) Education

Lih-Ching Wang, Curriculum & Foundations

Xuan Song, Urban Education

Starting from this gap, this research proposes a hypothesis that using Classical Chinese Literatures (CCL) to serve for advanced CFL curriculum development. As CCL had been widely recognized as the condensed Chinese cultural inheritance which manifest the essence and authenticity of Chinese culture and language. Grounded in the constructivism paradigm and the sociocultural conceptual framework, a qualitative approach of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) is used to guide research design and investigate the research question that: what is the essence of using Classical Chinese Literatures to serve for CFL curriculum development? This research might provide CFL teachers a boarder view and constructive approaches in curriculum development in order to embrace the “Five C Standards”.


Management Strategies for Online Learning Environments: Introducing Assignments, Using Groups, and Providing Student Support

Rachel Wlodarsky, CASAL

These pre-recordings discuss the rationale, and process of setting up small groups, introducing assignments, and providing student support in online learning environments.  The presenter shares her screen with viewers and shows them "how to" accomplish the above strategies while at the same time, provides an explanation as to the effectiveness of such strategies.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Teaching Advanced Design Concepts Using MATLAB Applications

Jorge Gatica, Chemical & Biomedical Engineering

The design of Chemical Reactors under non-isothermal conditions can lead to a condition known as Thermal Runaway, which typically results in an explosion. This condition is the result of a complex interaction between reactor design variables. In this module, the application can illustrate the effect of different variables on reactor performance and safety.


Using a Blended Learning Approach and Digital Tools to Foster First-Year Writing Student Engagement During the Pandemic Semesters

Melanie Gagich, First Year Writing Program, English

This PowerPoint presentation begins with a review of blended learning and how I integrated this approach during the pandemic semesters. It also includes a discussion of digital tools (Zoom, Jamboard, Google Docs, and Blackboard) and pedagogical practices I used to support blended learning and promote engagement during synchronous and asynchronous sessions. The presentation concludes with anonymous feedback from fall 2020 and spring 2021 First-Year Writing students.


Before the Learning is the Delivery

Sandra Chincholkar, Mathematics

This presentation focuses on how to get the content to the students so that they use the content. They say "repetition is the key to learning" and it is also the key to delivery. I discuss multiple modes of delivering course information, non-coordinator provided course materials, tests and instructor help. The more delivery options the more students one can “catch”.


Incorporation of OER Interactive Simulations in Chemistry

Erin Avram, Chemistry

Many concepts in chemistry are challenging to grasp because they require abstract thinking about structures and relationships at the microscopic and atomic scale. The use of interactive simulations can guide student learning by providing visual representations of these relationships and opportunities for exploration and experimentation. The goal of this project was to incorporate interactive simulations that are also Open Education Resources in my courses to increase student engagement and learning.

Video link


Embedding Open Resources in MBA 500: Environment of Business

Toni Paoletta & Alexsandra Sukhoy, Marketing

OER enables professors to curate the most customized, current and compatible class content. By choosing to use OER materials in your course, you are conveying to students that you care about their financial burden.


Creating a Community of Inquiry Remotely with SharePoint and Blackboard

Julie Townsend, English

Using the Community of Inquiry model to support the use of SharePoint and Blackboard for sharing writing and ideas.



Textbook Affordability & Fairness

Jeneen Rieser, Political Science

Textbook Affordability


Youth Participatory Action-Based Research (YPAR)

Molly Buckley Marudas, Teacher Education

Angela Capuano Fant, Doctoral Studies Education

I teach and support youth-led research among 9th grade students through bi-weekly class meetings to teach how to identify, research, and develop a proposal based on topics of interest to contribute to future action within students’ communities.


The Cleveland Teaching Collaborative: Designing and Leveraging an Educator Innovation Hub

Shelley Rose, History

Molly Buckley Marudas, Teacher Education

This poster will share our effort to build an educator innovation hub to support the professional growth and learning of local educators. The network includes three specific components: educator-authored case studies published to the CTC blog, a crowd-sourced open access Resource Referatory, and regular peer-to-peer support opportunities. The collaborative focuses on pandemic pedagogies but also has an eye on well as looks towards post pandemic pedagogies.

  • 2022

Event Recording

Poster Title




CSU Affordability Initiative: Shared Goals and Milestones

Heather Caprette (eLearning)

Emilie Zickel (English)

Mandi Goodsett (Library)

Open Educational Resources (OER) provide the opportunity for all students to succeed because the materials are accessible from day one of a course. The OER Committee wishes to share an overview of the CSU Affordability Initiative -- a collaborative effort among CSU faculty and staff across the university, along with the SGA, to make education more affordable and accessible to all students.

Booklet Link

Preparing for STEM Careers through an Engaged Physics Education

Kiril Streletzky & Petru Fodor (Physics)

Multifaceted approach to physics education combines rigorous academics with undergraduate research, strong student community, opportunities in public outreach, and teaching.


Using Screencasting to Promote Revision Skills and Writerly Agency in a First-Year Writing Classroom

Melanie Gagich & Julie Townsend (English)

We discuss two different assignments that ask first-year writing students to use screencasting software, share our student responses, and review relevant literature related to the use of screencasting in classrooms. We conclude with ideas for future research and assignment revisions.


Crime Scenes in the Classroom: Problem Based Learning as a Tool for Motivation

Melissa Clark (Anthropology)

Students learn the principles of forensic anthropology by excavating and processing crime scenes and analyzing human remains.


Efforts to Improve Student Engagement with Blackboard Content

Patricia Stoddard Dare (Social Work)

Describes five strategies used to improve student engagement with Blackboard, including changes to textbook, grading, and student communication.


Utilizing 3D Immersive Data Visualizations in Cybersecurity

Charles McElroy (Information Systems & Technology)

An overview the incorporation of 3D immersive data visualizations in cybersecurity research. While much is known about incorporating 2D data visualizations into teaching, there is a dearth of knowledge about effectively incorporating 3D data visualizations into the education enterprise. This poster presents some of the initial questions about how to build such an experience as instantiated in cybersecurity research. 


Developing Critical Thinking Skills Through Dialectical Process

Mamadou Seck (Social Work)

Developing students' critical thinking skills requires them to master three stages of thinking process. Once these stages are mastered, students will enhance their participation in discussion assignments with more relevant and significant contributions.


Teaching Enhancement Awards
Joanne Goodell (Center for Faculty Excellence) Summarizing the outcomes of the TEA program 2015-2022  


Hyah Herbawi, Coordinator
Campus Location: AC 223
Cleveland, OH 44115