Teaching Workshops

Title Description Presenter Resources
Keep Teaching Series: "Flipping Your Online Classroom" Faculty Panel Discussion Join facilitators and former participants of the CFE book discussion group as they talk about how they have used strategies learned while reading "Flipped Learning" by Robert Talbert. Joanne Goodell, Center for Faculty Excellence Recording
Keep Teaching Series: "Small Teaching Online" Faculty Panel Discussion Join former participants of the CFE book discussion group as they talk about how they have used strategies learned while reading "Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes" by Flower Darby & James M. Lang. Joanne Goodell, Center for Faculty Excellence Recording
Specifications Grading: Enhancing Student Learning & Saving Faculty Time Specifications Grading is an alternative grading system aimed at fostering student rigor, enhancing their learning, and saving faculty time. It aims to clearly tether assignments and course grades to achievement of course learning outcomes in order to promote a mastery approach to learning. This session will introduce and motivate specifications grading as well as provide examples of how to both fully and partially use the system. Marcus Schultz-Bergin, Philosophy & Comparative Religion Recording
Developing a Course Blueprint for an Online Course A course blueprint is an organizational tool that goes beyond the syllabus or course calendar to provide students with a one-stop blueprint of the instructor's plans for an online course. The blueprint provides an initial preview of the course content and the course objectives and, in applicable disciplines, the professional preparation standards covered each week. The course blueprint is an organic document that is then updated throughout the semester to provide students with an ongoing tracking document. The course blueprint notes the weekly instructional topics and tracks how these topics are organized around readings, lectures (live or asynchronous), synchronous online tasks (some of which are flipped, meaning preparatory work done before readings or lectures, and others that are reflective, meaning done post-reading or lecture), and assignments used for grading purposes. This webinar will show examples of the development and ongoing use of course blueprints and demonstrate how following the blueprint keeps students organized and on track during remote learning experiences. Monica Gordon Pershey, Health Sciences Recording
Using Innovative Technology to Center Students in Flipped Learning Experiences In this workshop we will share how to use Remind to text your whole class or individual students, how to make videos that share your screen with Loom and Panopto, and how to have students have video discussion boards using Flipgrid.  Elena Andrei, Teacher Education & Katie Clonan-Roy, Curriculum & Foundations Recording
Adapting Face-to-face Project-based Film Production Courses into Hybrid Modality I have adapted two film and media production courses from face to face to hybrid modality. These project-based courses typically require close collaboration among students. My approach to hybrid modality can be summarized as minimizing face to face contact by relying on remote delivery of content and activities as much as possible, while observing all safety requirements during face to face interactions. Cigdem Slankard, Film & Media Arts Recording
T is for Tweeting & Teaching How teachers can use Twitter to engage students in the online classroom, keep them updated on trends in their industry and help students to start building a professional presence on the web. Beth Thomas, Communication Recording
Know Your Why In this session, we will work on determining the "why" behind your course learning objectives. If you are clear about the reasons "why" a student would learn a particular skill or topic in your course, you can design learning activities that will appeal to and meaningfully engage students. In an online or blended environment, so much student learning is compliance-based. Student-centered, timely, and personalized assessments increase engagement, learning, student satisfaction and deepen student learning of the material in the process. Jessica Yox, Management Recording
Web-based Assessment Strategies for Student Engagement in Higher Education This lecture examines the role of assessment in promoting cognitive and social engagement among college and graduate students in online and blended learning environments. Theoretical model of web-based assessment for learning will be presented and a variety of web-based assessment strategies will be introduced and illustrated with examples. Specifically, the lecture covers formative online quizzes with instant feedback, rubric-based grading of asynchronous discussion and recorded presentations, self and peer assessment, audio and video-based instructor feedback, assessment of individual and group projects, Wiki and Blog entries, etc. Xiongyi LIu, Curriculum & Foundations Recording
Practices to Promote Honesty in Online Courses Learn more about technology tools and teaching practices to promote academic integrity in online courses. This session discusses recommendations developed by faculty senate committees. An overview of the different types of proctoring and writing originality tools as well as how to use Blackboard's tools and settings to improve the integrity of your online assignments and assessments is covered. Caryn Lanzo & Glenn Curtis, eLearning Recording
Flipgrid for Flipped Instruction Flipgrid is an online video discussion platform with easy-to-use video recording tools. This hands-on workshop shows how you could use this free platform to support student interaction, enhance social learning, and provide feedback in your classes.  Molly Buckley, Teacher Education



Creating an Effective Online Assessment Policy This workshop will include best practices in creating or modifying your assessment policy to best fit the online learning environment. Joanne Goodell, Center for Faculty Excellence PowerPoint



Hyah Herbawi, Coordinator
Campus Location: AC 223
Cleveland, OH 44115