Writing & Speaking Across the Curriculum

Effective communication is the cornerstone of success in life and work. Writing & Speaking Across the Curriculum courses build on the foundations set in the Core Curriculum by emphasizing significant communication in a disciplinary context.

At CSU, you will complete at least one Writing Across the Curriculum course and at least two total Writing or Speaking Across the Curriculum courses. These courses will often be connected to your major program of study, helping you apply your foundational communication skills to your future career or field of study.

You may find a complete list of Writing and Speaking Across the Curriculum courses below. You should work with your advisor to identify the appropriate courses for you.

Writing Across the Curriculum

Category Subject Course Effective Date
WAC Africana Studies AST 396 The Black Freedom Movement FA25
WAC Arabic ARB 401 Advanced Arabic Language & Culture FA25
WAC Art and Design ART 458 The Art of King Arthur FA25
WAC Chemical Engineering CHE 307 Chemical Engineering Methods FA25
WAC Chemical Engineering CHE 404 Chemical Reactor Design FA25
WAC Chemistry CHM 301 Research Methods in Chemistry FA25
WAC Civil Engineering CVE 333 Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory (Writing) FA25
WAC Civil Engineering CVE 363 Hydraulics Lab (Writing) FA25
WAC Communication COM 240 Professional Communication FA25
WAC Computer and Information Science CIS 493 Senior Design I FA25
WAC Computer and Information Science CIS 402 Computer Science Technical Writing FA25
WAC Criminology CRM 342 Law and Society FA25
WAC Data Science and Analysis DSA 330 Introduction to Data Science II FA25
WAC Data Science and Analysis DSA 493 Senior Design I FA25
WAC Economics ECN 360 Public Sector Economics FA25
WAC Electrical and Computer Engineering EEC 414 Technical Communication FA25
WAC Electrical and Computer Engineering EEC 493 Senior Design I FA25
WAC English ENG 308 Composition Theory for Teachers FA25
WAC English ENG 495 Senior Seminar FA25
WAC English ENG 306 Literary Analysis FA25
WAC English ENG 400 Critical Research Methods FA25
WAC General Administration GAD 250 Business Communications FA25
WAC Philosophy PHL 300 Philosophical Methods FA25
WAC Sociology SOC 317 Sociology of Gender FA25
WAC Spanish SPN 372 Reading Latin American Literature FA25
WAC Urban Studies UST 309 Urban Planning FA25
WAC Urban Studies UST 436 Urban Sustainability FA25
WAC Urban Studies UST 304 Policymaking for Social Change FA25

Speaking Across the Curriculum

Category Subject Course Effective Date
SPAC Arabic ARB 301 Composition and Conversation FA25
SPAC Art and Design ART 371 Art in the 19th Century FA25
SPAC Art and Design ART 373 Art in the 20th Century 1945-2000 FA25
SPAC Art and Design ART 375 City and Civilization FA25
SPAC Art and Design ART 383 Indian Art FA25
SPAC Biology BIO 495 Seminar FA25
SPAC Communication COM 242 Public & Professional Speaking FA25
SPAC Electronic Engineering Te EET 460 Senior Design A FA25
SPAC French FRN 240 Field Study FA25
SPAC French FRN 340 Field Study FA25
SPAC French FRN 440 Field Study FA25
SPAC French FRN 441 French Capstone Field Study Project FA25
SPAC History HIS 318 Black America and Africa FA25
SPAC History HIS 329 Black Resistance in the Age of Jim Crow, 1896-1954 FA25
SPAC History HIS 330 History of Ancient Greece FA25
SPAC Mechanical Engineering MCE 450 Design Project I FA25
SPAC Mechanical Engineering MCE 451 Design Project II FA25
SPAC Mechanical Egr Tech MET 470 Senior Design A FA25
SPAC Spanish SPN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 FA25
SPAC Spanish SPN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 FA25
SPAC Spanish SPN 301 Advanced Spanish: Oral Skills Emphasis FA25
SPAC Social Work SWK 350 Basic Generalist Practice FA25
SPAC Theatre THE 213 History of the Theatre III FA25
SPAC Civil Engineering CVE 427 Capstone Design FA25
SPAC Medieval Studies CLM 230H Turning Points in Ancient and Medieval History FA25
SPAC Art and Design ART 480 Global Themes in Art FA25
SPAC Urban Studies UST 375 City and Civilization FA25
SPAC History HIS 220H Debates in African American History FA25
SPAC Spanish SPN 304 Advanced Speaking in Spanish for Health Sciences FA25
SPAC Economics ECN 428 Applied Economic Analysis FA25
SPAC Africana Studies AST 318 Black America and Africa FA25
SPAC Africana Studies AST 329 Black Resistance in the Age of Jim Crow, 1896-1954 FA25
SPAC Philosophy PHL 351 Foundations of Western Thought FA25