
Ruchi Bhattacharya

Ruchi Bhattacharyar.bhattacharya14@csuohio.edu
Assistant Professor, Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences





Nilufer Dural

Nilufer Dural | n.dural@csuohio.edu
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Washkewicz College of Engineering

Interests: adsorption and transport of pollutants in soil; mass transfer; separation processes



Brice Grunert

Brice Grunert | b.grunert@csuohio.edu
Assistant Professor, Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences

Interests: the Great Lakes and other aquatic ecosystems; terrestrial-aquatic interactions; water quality; carbon cycling; remote sensing; data science



Tom Hilde

Tom Hilde | t.hilde@csuohio.edu
Assistant Professor, Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs

Interests: scenario planning; geodesign; GIS and other planning/decision support tools; green infrastructure; disaster-resilient cities



Ung Tae Kim

Ung Tae Kim | u.kim@csuohio.edu
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Washkewicz, College of Engineering

Interests: water resources engineering problems based on climate change, rainfall-runoff process, inverse modeling, subsurface transport, machine learning, and numerical optimization


Zihan Lin

Zihan Lin | z.lin88@csuohio.edu
Assistant Professor, Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences


Kevin Mueller

Kevin Mueller | k.mueller89@csuohio.edu
Assistant Professor, Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences

Interests: ecosystem services in urban landscapes; plant functional ecology; biogeochemistry; forest management; impacts of climate change



Emily Rauschert

Emily Rauschert | e.rauschert@csuohio.edu
Associate Professor, Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences

Interests: ecological restoration, invasive species dynamics; biotic homogenization; urban community ecology; plant ecology



Heidi Gorovitz Robertson

Heidi Gorovitz Robertson | h.robertson@csuohio.edu
Steven W. Percy Distinguished Professor of Law, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law and Professor of Environmental Studies and Director, JD/MA Environmental Studies Dual Degree Program, Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs

Interests: regulation of shale oil & gas production in OH; public access to private land for recreation; EPA policy and rulemaking; BP/Gulf Coast oil spill; demographic issues in the distribution of environmental risk


Meghan Rubado

Meghan Rubado | m.rubado@csuohio.edu
Assistant Professor, Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs

Interests: provision of efficient, equitable, and high-quality services by local governments; policymaking under sustained population loss



John Van Stan
John Van Stan | j.vanstan@csuohio.edu Associate Professor, Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences   Interests: ecohydrology (specifically: wet plants and the role they play in Earth's energy balance, nutrient cycles, and landscape ecology); science art and communication; philosophy      
Bernard Walton

Bernard Walton | b.walton@csuohio.edu
Associate Professor, Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences

Interests: the role of predators in the functioning of the forest-floor; social and ecological interactions within parks and other greenspaces in urban ecosystem



Julie Wolin

Julie Wolin | j.wolin@csuohio.edu
Associate Professor, Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences

Interests: understanding urban and urbanizing environments and the effects of human activities on freshwater and wetland ecosystems



Fasong Yuan

Fasong Yuan | f.yuan06@csuohio.edu
Professor, Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences

Interests: cycling and transport of nutrients in watersheds, including carbon and sulfur; forms of phosphorus in sediments of Lake Erie and their role in eutrophication