News and Events
Research proposals by CRUE faculty are selected for external funding
Within the last year, several crew faculty members have received funding for their research from NASA, NSF, and the OH Sea Grant. Congratulations to Brice Grunert, Tom Hilde, Kevin Mueller, John Van Stan, and Fasong Yuan! The newly funded research projects focus on nutrient cycling and pollution in Lake Erie, and ecosystem services provided by trees in cities, such as mitigation of air pollution.
More student awards
Our graduate and undergraduate students continue to collect awards. Jillian Bastock was the recipient of the Katherine M. Grosscup Scholarship from the Garden Club of America. Her award was given in recognition of her research plans and career ambitions focused on urban forestry. Semra Dervisevic received a $5,000 scholarship from the Ohio EPA and Ohio Academy of Sciences, following a line of CSU students to have success applying for this competitive award.
CSU faculty joins new Scientific Advisory Council
Dr. Julie Wolin, professor in the Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences department, was invited to be one of 12 members of a new advisory council formed by the Ohio Attorney General. "This is not a blue-ribbon committee set up to make people feel good about the environment," the attorney general said. "I take my duty to protect Ohio's natural resources seriously, and the scientists we've enlisted to share their expertise and counsel will help me accomplish this effectively and smartly."
Environmental Science major is named college and university valedictorian!
Congratulations to Audrey Atzel, who was recently selected as the valedictorian for the College of Science and Health Professions, and for the entire university! Check out her speech here. She stayed at CSU to acquire a Masters in Environmental Science. Her research, conducted in collaboration with Dr. Emily Rauschert, is focused on a pesky new invasive plant in the Cleveland area: lesser celandine.
Undergraduate student awarded EPA scholarship
Caleb Lumsden, an Environmental Science major, is the recipient of the prestigious Ohio EPA and Ohio Academy of Sciences Scholarship. Caleb's proposal was focused on his work in Dr. Emily Rauschert's lab. Caleb's research is about biotic homogenization of plant and soil fungal communities in parklands across an urbanization gradient. Caleb will receive a $5,000 scholarship for the 2020-2021 academic year.
CRUE faculty publishes article in West Virginia Law Review
Check out this article written by Dr. Heidi Gorovitz Robertson, titled Cities and Citizens Seethe: A Case Study of Local Efforts to Influence Natural Gas Pipeline Routing Decisions. From the abstract: "This Article explores the reasons local governments find difficulty influencing pipeline-routing decisions. For example, federal law controls interstate natural gas pipeline permitting, which is complicated and inaccessible. State law, particularly in Ohio, heavily favors utilities, in part by preempting local efforts to make local decisions regarding oil and gas development. Finally, the information gaps are enormous between what local governments need to influence pipeline-routing decisions and what is accessible."
CRUE professor wins college teaching award!
Dr. Julie Wolin, from the department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Science, was awarded the Jearl Walker Outstanding Teach award from the College of Sciences and Health Professions.
Masters student wins award at national meeting!
In recognition of the research he presented at the national meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Milos Simovic received the 'Best Poster' award from the Physiological Ecology section. Milos' research is conducted in collaboration with CRUE faculty member Kevin Mueller, and focuses on the growth and carbon sequestration of trees in urban landscapes.
Environmental Science student wins Outstanding Master's Thesis Award!
Keri Plevniak, has been selected to receive the Outstanding Master's Thesis Award in Research in Natural Sciences, Engineering, and Mathematics. This award is granted to Cleveland State University graduate students for research conducted for a master's thesis which has the potential to make a substantial contribution to the field. The reviewers were extremely impressed with Keri's work for her thesis, "Functional diversity and restoration of meadows in Northeast Ohio". Keri's advisor is CRUE faculty member Emily Rauschert.
Law professor discusses fracking on Cleveland's NPR affiliate, WCPN 90.3
In a story that aired in August, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson described Ohio rules that allow oil and gas developers to include a landowner's land in a drilling unit against that landowners wishes:…