Faculty-led Programs Abroad

For more than 40 years, Cleveland State faculty members have led short-term academic programs abroad with their students. These short programs, typically from 10 days to 4 weeks in duration, provide CSU students with international experience and residency credit hours in a short amount of time and at a low cost.

Programs led by CSU faculty members include courses taught by the faculty leader, but may also include other instruction by faculty of a host institution. On-site, the faculty director serves as the professor of record for the class but also acts as a cultural guide, academic advisor, and resident director and more for the accompanied CSU students. The faculty member is also responsible for administering on-site program expenses and managing student and group emergencies as necessary.

Faculty members should develop and submit proposals for new or recurring short-term faculty-led study abroad programs via the established program proposal process. All necessary proposal forms and deadlines can be found below or obtained from the staff at the Center for International Services and Programs (CISP).

Proposals for CSU Faculty-led Programs Abroad (FLPA) are due at the CISP on a date that is based on the planned delivery term/semester of the proposed program. Colleges are strongly encouraged to establish their own internal proposal deadlines to ensure appropriate review and approval at all required levels before the CISP deadline.  The Dean's Office of the respective College or School is responsible for forwarding all approved faculty-led program proposals to the CISP by the deadline noted below.  Regretfully, late FLPA proposals cannot be accepted after the deadline date noted below.

Proposal Initiated via Department/Program Level {1}, next to College Curr. Committee, next to Dean's Office lastly to CISP


Semester of Program/Course Delivery   CISP Proposal Receipt Deadline (proposals submitted well in advance are appreciated)
Spring 2025 with travel over Spring Break July 1, 2024

Spring 2025 with travel in May

July 1, 2024

Summer 2025

September 1, 2024

Fall 2025 with travel in August

November 1, 2024

Winter Break 2025/26 March 1, 2025

[1] Academic structures may be different within each CSU College and School; however, all FLPA proposals must have local unit curricular review/approval and the approval, via signature, of the Chair of the Department(s) delivering the faculty-led course.

Please use the two fillable forms below to complete the FLPA program proposal process.  Submit the forms (and the requested supplementary information) by the aforementioned deadlines.





A complete FLPA program proposal will include:

  • Signed Program Proposal Form
  • Risk and Logisitcs Management Plan
  • Course Syllabus
  • Program Description Report
  • Minimum Expectations if needing an RFP / RFQ

Additional resources: 
Matrix for Self-Care and Creating Brave Spaces as Education Abroad Program Directors

Questions? Contact Julie Good, Manager of International Programs, at j.a.good88@csuohio.edu or (216) 687-3910.

Mailing Address
Center for International Services and Programs
2121 Euclid Ave BH 412
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Berkman Hall 412
1899 E 22nd St
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Phone: 216.687.3910
Fax: 216.687.3965