Health Insurance

All international students at Cleveland State will be automatically enrolled and billed for the University-sponsored student and scholar accident and sickness health insurance at the time of class registration. To view the exact policy validity dates, coverage,  and prices please click here. Students may NOT purchase individual health insurance from an outside carrier.

If you wish to seek a waiver from the mandatory CSU health insurance, you must call the CSU Student Belonging Office who manages the student health insurance policy and the waiver process.  For additional waiver information please click here.

Waivers from the CSU health insurance may be granted by Health and Wellness Services to:

  • Students sponsored by the U.S government, their government, or an NGO in which health care coverage is included in the scholarship.
  • Students who have coverage through a parent's or spouse's work.
  • Students presently insured with a U.S health insurance company receiving benefits due to an ongoing illness or accident.
  • Students who are a part of CSU Global and therefore are provided insurance via CSU Global.


Mailing Address
Center for International Services and Programs
2121 Euclid Ave BH 412
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Berkman Hall 412
1899 E 22nd St
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Phone: 216.687.3910
Fax: 216.687.3965