Student FAQ

Blue Explorance FAQs: Students

When do evaluations start? When do they close?

In general, course evaluations start in the 12th week and close on the 14th week of the semester. Courses whose opening and closing dates do not fit the semester schedule (ALT sessions, summer sessions, etc) will have their evaluation window scaled appropriately. Specific start and end dates for each course offered can be found here:

I don’t remember seeing the evaluation invitation email - how can I access my evaluation forms?

Course evaluations can be accessed through the Blue Explorance dashboard, found here: You will be asked to log in using the same CSU ID and password you use to check your email.

I need to make some corrections to my evaluation form, but I’ve already submitted it – can I still make changes to it?

During the evaluation period (12th through 14th week of the semester) you can send an email to and request that your evaluation be reset. If the assessment window has closed, the evaluation cannot be reset.

Are the responses and feedback that I provide completely anonymous?

The responses and comments that students provide on their course evaluation forms are strictly confidential, and the results are housed within Institutional Research. Course instructors are never able to see individually identifiable responses or comments. They are only able to see summary totals of responses, and the comments that instructors see are also not linked in any way to student names or student ID numbers.

I have been asked to provide feedback for a course in which I am the only student (thesis, independent study, etc). How can my responses be considered anonymous?

Per the Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) policies set by the faculty senate, all students in all courses need to have the opportunity to evaluate their courses. That said, instructors only receive evaluation feedback reports for courses with two or more students.

I have questions that have not been answered by this page. Who can I contact for more information?

The Office of Institutional Research maintains an email account specifically for questions regarding course evaluations: This account is monitored regularly during the semester and is checked twice daily when the evaluation window is open.

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, AC 220
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Office of Institutional Research
2300 Euclide Avenue
Parker Hannifin Admin. Center AC 220
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216.687.4700
Fax: 216.687.5372

Thomas R. Geaghan
Director of Institutional Research
Phone: 216.687.4745