Policies and Expectations
Guiding Documents
The contract, or Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), is negotiated by representatives of the administration and the AAUP (which represents the faculty). This legally binding document protects academic freedom and faculty rights, explains procedures for promotion and tenure, provides a procedure for redress of grievances, and specifies salaries, benefits, and procedures for raises.
CSU AAUP Contract (CBA)
This Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is specific to faculty in the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Contract (CBA)
Faculty policies not covered by the AAUP contract are available here (many on campus refer to this as the "GreenBook" based on the tradition of the previously printed volume's cover).
Faculty Personnel Policies (GreenBook)
Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment Prep
AAUP Contract Article 12, Faculty Appointment, Promotion & Tenure
Contract Language Specific to Promotion & Tenure
Links to information and resources concerning faculty tenure and promotion and dossier instructions, updated annually each spring.
Information and Resources for Tenure, Promotion, & Reappointment
This link lists important dates for tenure, promotion, and reappointment reviews, eFAAR deadlines, workload consultations, and more:
Important Dates
The goal of this session is to help faculty approaching their first reviews plan an effective dossier. It's a conversation about strategy. How does a candidate tell an effective story about their accomplishments? How can organization and structure help reviewers find the information they'll need? Is there a way to make the scale of the project less daunting? Moderated by: Jenn Visocky O'Grady, Faculty Mentoring Fellow & Professor, Department of Art & Design. Recordings from November 2021 and 2020.
New Faculty Training: Dossier Planning for 3rd & 4th Year Reviews (2021 Archived Workshop)
New Faculty Training: Dossier Planning for 3rd & 4th Year Reviews (2020 Archived Workshop)
Targeted at faculty who have just been through initial T&P or reappointment reviews, this training will help them process dossier feedback and plan for future productivity and the next round of review. Moderated by: Jenn Visocky O'Grady, Faculty Mentoring Fellow & Professor, Department of Art & Design. Recordings from January 2022 and 2021.
Processing Dossier Feedback & Planning for the Next Review (2022 Archived Workshop)
Processing Dossier Feedback & Planning for the Next Review (2021 Archived Workshop)
Advice from Joanne Goodell, Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence, about preparing for an external review. Recording from March 2021.
Reappointment, Tenure & Promotion: Preparing for External Review (Archived Workshop)
eFAAR Faculty Annual Activities Reporting
If you have no idea what an eFAAR is but have to complete one before your first year is over, this is the workshop for you. Discussion led by Jenn Visocky O'Grady, Faculty Mentoring Fellow & Professor, Department of Art & Design. Recordings from February 2022 and 2021.
New Faculty eFAAR Workshop: Why It's Important & Strategies for Reporting (2022 Archived Workshop)
New Faculty eFAAR Workshop: Why It's Important & Strategies for Reporting (2021 Archived Workshop)
This training will go over the technical aspects of the Faculty180 system, with specific focus on filling out the eFAAR report. Presented by Joanne Goodell, Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence & Professor in Teacher Education. Recording from April 2021.
Completing Your eFAAR Report in Faculty180 (Archived Workshop)
From a resource packet for navigating the software to individual instructions from colleges, find eDossier and eFAAR resources here:
Center for Faculty Excellence eFAAR Resources
University Governance and Helpful Links
The Faculty Affairs site contains a wealth of information and resources related to University governance, faculty development, tenure, promotion, reappointment, and more.
Faculty Affairs
Information regarding the Faculty Senate's duties, meeting dates, rosters, resolutions, archived meeting minutes, and more can be found here:
Faculty Senate
The University Ombudsperson has the official role of protecting the interests and rights of all members of the Cleveland State University community by being an impartial, trustworthy person to oversee conflict-resolution procedures and assure due process for all parties involved in a conflict.
The Office of Institutional Research (IR) serves as a comprehensive source for information about Cleveland State University. The primary goal of IR is to collect, comprehend, combine, and analyze data pertaining to a range of operational activities at Cleveland State University.
Office of Institutional Research
Organizational charts for the Office of the Provost and its sub-units:
University Org Chart
The Academic Calendar shows term start and end dates, University holidays, final exam schedules and more.
Academic Calendar
Nationally, unfair attacks on scholars have increased, often in social media, on message boards, and through other online forums. These "trolling attacks" can be professionally disruptive and personally difficult. The University has resources to assist if you are the target of one of these campaigns.
CSU's Response to Trolling