Teaching Support

Faculty Teaching Resources

Login information and resources for using the Blackboard learning management system and virtual learning environment are available here:
Blackboard Learning Management System

Follow this template for CSU Syllabi as you develop your own course content. Your unit may also have standard syllabi expectations, as your Chair or Director for more information.
Faculty Senate Syllabus Template

Resources and information specific to tools and services offered by the Center for eLearning
Center for eLearning Faculty Resources

The Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning (CIT&DL) supports instructors using technology to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom and remotely.
Center for Instructional Technology & Distance Learning

The Center for Faculty Excellence offers numerous resources, workshops, and leadership opportunities to foster faculty excellence to create engaged student success. Explore their resources here:
Center for Faculty Excellence Resources

Electronic course evaluations are delivered for all courses at Cleveland State University via the eXplorance Blue system. Learn more about the process here:
Course Evaluations

Library Resources

Everything you need to know about accessing course reserves at the Michael Schwartz Library at Cleveland State University:
Electronic Course Reserves & Research Guides

Help your students cite their sources:
Citing Sources

The library offers a variety of computer labs with specialized software and services. Details are available here:
Computer Labs in the Library

The Writing Center offers workshops, writing resources, and individual appointments for students and faculty alike. Learn more about their services here:
The Writing Center

The Law Library's mission is the provision of information services and resources that promote the performance of high-quality legal research activities by our students, faculty, staff, and community.
CM Law Library


Student Success Resources

Testing Services offers comprehensive testing and test-related services.
Testing Services

The Office of Disability Services determines who is an eligible person with a disability and coordinates their accommodation needs.
Office of Disability Services (ODS)

The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) promotes student success by administering the University's Policy Against Harassment, Discrimination, Sexual Violence and Retaliation, and the University's Equal Opportunity policy statement.
Office of Institutional Equity

If you have concerns regarding a student, staff or faculty member at CSU, you may make a referral to the CARE Team. Reasons people commonly make referrals include: physical or mental/emotional wellbeing, interpersonal relationship issues, loss of a loved one, financial concerns like housing or food scarcity, academic concerns related to performance.

Tools and programs available to students currently serving or veterans:
Veteran Student Success Program: Viking Vets

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) is a student-run organization that plans and facilitates cultural, social, recreational, and educational events, with a primary goal of fostering campus community and unity throughout CSU.
Campus Activities Board (CAB)