
This language is the Alt Media Process Agreement found when requesting accommodations in the Disability Services Online System before requesting your accommodations.

The below guidelines, responsibilities, and processes apply to students requesting Alternative Media accommodations such as:

  • Accessible Electronic Textbooks
  • Accessible Non-textbook Course Materials
  • Enlarged Non-textbook Course Materials
  • Braille Materials

Alternative media or alternative text, commonly referred to as alt text refers to the remediation and conversion of required course materials such as textbooks, electronic documents, exams and other print materials into an accessible document format, such as PDF, Word doc, ePub, and Braille. We operate on a first come, first serve basis so the earlier the request comes in, the sooner they are processed and sent out.

The Conversion Process

Converting textbooks into an alternative format is a time intensive process. It takes approximately 1 to 3 weeks to remediate electronic files we receive from publishers and 2 weeks to 2 months for digitize hard copies of print materials. For providing formats such as Braille textbooks it will take significantly longer. Students should submit requests 3 weeks before the beginning of a term for textbooks to ensure materials are available when classes begin. Students requesting materials should be prepared to use supplementary technology (scanning programs, video magnifiers, etc.) in the interim.

Disability & Testing Services is only obligated to produce accessible formats for students eligible for the accommodation who purchased print copies of textbooks or materials and for remediating files to add accessible elements to documents provided in courses or other programs students engage in at Cleveland State. If students choose to purchase electronic copies of textbooks, students are expected to purchase versions that have the accessibility options required to meet their needs. Visit the Self-Help Resources for more information.

Copyright Notice

Copyrighted materials provided or reproduced in an accessible format by ODS for a student with a disability may not be copied, shared, distributed, or sold, except in accordance with the provisions of the copyright laws.

Without proof of purchase or proof of other form of legal standing to receive the materials, Disability & Testing Services is not able to provide anymore than 10% of a completed work under Fair Use guidelines. Students must provide receipts in order to receive the electronic files for materials.

Student Responsibilities

  • Submit their request for accommodations and faculty notifications in the Disability Services Online System for the Alternative Media Accommodations they wish to receive for each course each term
  • Submit the request for each textbook or document that they wish or are required to use in the Disability Services Online System or directly to the Alternative Media Specialist at
  • Provide proof of purchase or proof of other form of legal standing for the print material they are requesting before work commences on remediation to create accessible documents
  • Notify the Alternative Media Specialist of any changes in need for materials or if a course is dropped causing the materials to not be needed
  • Provide a copy of the course syllabus or other relevant information to show timeline of the needed materials
  • Provide the print copy of any textbooks being requested in electronic format for digitization if the electronic files cannot be procured to begin remediation
  • Not share or sell any files provided to students to fill alternative media requests to others

Disability & Testing Services Responsibilities

  • Verify that a student who requests alternative formats is registered with ODS and eligible to receive this accommodation.
  • Provide the student with a copy of the Alternative Media Agreement for Services and provide training on how to complete the Alternative Text Request when necessary.
  • Provide the accessible electronic files for the Alternative Media request as soon as is reasonable, usually within 1 to 3 weeks from the request (formats requiring more complex remediation make take longer like Braille textbooks may take 8 to 12 weeks advanced notice). We will try to work with students with requests on tighter turn around.
  • Remediate the document to have accurate reproduction of text in a format that will meet the student's needs
  • ODS reserves the right to determine types of alternative formats as necessary to provide access. In such cases, ODS will ensure that the format is accessible to the student. Students will be notified and involved in the process when unfamiliar formats are used to help educate and train the student.
  • Make the student's requested alternative format texts available through Microsoft OneDrive or our Blackboard Site. If alternative format text is being provided in installments, ODS will make every effort to upload to the distribution channel the next section when completed and available.
  • Assist with problem resolution if the student experiences difficulties in accessing or using the format provided.
  • Promote student independence by offering training to students in the use of technologies to convert and access their own materials.

Submitting Requests

Students must submit requests for materials via the Disability Services Online System or directly to the Alternative Media Specialist at More information can be found on the processes and distribution at

With any questions, please reach out to the Alternative Media Specialist Bill Milhoan at

Cleveland State University
Disability & Testing Services
2124 Chester Avenue
Rhodes Tower West (RW) 210
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2015
Fax: 216-687-2343

Testing Services
2124 Chester Ave.
Rhodes Tower West (RW) 215
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2272
Fax: 216-687-2212

Web Contact
Jeffrey Dell
Phone: (216) 687-2015