
The Office of Disability Services (ODS) has been reviewing and assessing pandemic related accommodations. Specifically those in relation to the remote delivery of traditionally on-ground, in-person courses and mask accommodations. We have developed the below processes to enable us to provide equitable access to courses.

Disability Services has not yet been approved to offer remote classes for summer 2023. As the pandemic winds down, Cleveland State is moving back completely to regular operation and the options for remote and online classes are becoming more limited at the institution. If Disability Services is able to grant remote accommodations for summer 2023 we will use the below protocols. The following deadlines will apply for remote accommodation requests for summer 2023.

  • Students need to Complete Registration with Disability Services to be eligible by April 28th, 2023 for summer classes at the beginning of the term and by June 9th, 2023 for second 6-week session courses.
  • Students must request accommodations for classes which are not currently offered as remote or web during the summer 2023 term in the Disability Services Online System by May 5th, 2023 for classes beginning on May 20th, 2023 and by June 16th, 2023 for second 6-week classes that begin on July 1st, 2023.
  • It is uncertain if we will be able to continue providing remote access to courses past summer 2023.  If remote access is available for fall 2023, the deadline for registration will be July 31st, 2023 and requests for remote courses will need to be submitted by August 10th, 2023.
  • Students must have enrolled in remote or web sections if available.

At this time, we are still unable to approve mask exemptions for medical reasons due to the highly contagious nature of COVID-19 Variants if mask requirements are instituted. Starting Fall 2022 all mask requirements in regular classroom and public spaces were lifted. Students unable to wear masks for valid, documented*, medical reasons will be considered for remote delivery of courses as appropriate if mask requirements are instituted.

  • All remote learning requests and supporting documentation needed to be submitted and reviewed prior to approval for remote learning accommodations for the spring 2023 term. This means requests for an RLA accommodation must have been submitted prior to the start of the semester. If a student is unsure whether the documentation on file will support remote learning for upcoming semesters, please outreach to ODS@csuohio.edu as soon as possible.
  • All remote learning requests for disability related reasons requires a completed application. If you are NOT already registered with Disability Services, please follow the registration process on our website.
  • *Required Documentation: Documentation submitted related to remote learning requests must adhere to the ODS Documentation Guidelines
  • Please Note: Pregnancy and Parenting related remote accommodation requests should be send to the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE@CSUOHIO.edu).

Eligibility Information for Students Requesting RLA

  • For students to be approved for remote learning accommodations they would need to provide documentation verifying that they would suffer severe health consequences including hospitalization or death as a result of being in on campus spaces.
  • Disability and Testing Services and Cleveland State University are not responsible for the provision and maintenance of appliances and services like computers and internet service.
  • Difficulties with transportation cannot be the sole purpose for requesting remote learning accommodations.

After reviewing student feedback and best practice in relation to remote learning accommodations, ODS will handle all remote learning requests in the following manner to ensure truly equitable delivery of courses and course materials.

We cannot guarantee that all courses can be delivered in a remote format, which may result in students attending part-time and can cause delays in graduation.

Remote Accommodation Request Process

Please follow these steps:

  1. Students unable to attend classes in-person due to COVID-19 related concerns must first speak with their general education advisor or, if no general education advisor is listed in Starfish, students will speak with their faculty advisor to:
    • Review remote course options and sections for their current schedule
    • If a remote section exists but it is full, and there are no alternate courses available, students should email ODS@csuohio.edu ASAP and CC their advisor to share the course number, section, and instructor information so ODS can assess options for admittance to the course with the department
    • If no remote options exists for the course(s), students should evaluate options for an alternate course schedule that would provide remote access while continuing to meet their programmatic requirements
  2. Students need to submit their request for remote access for summer 2023 in person classes, by 05/05/2023 for classes beginning on 5/20/2023 and by 06/16/2023 for classes beginning on 07/01/2023, through accommodation request in the Disability Services Online System. You can find directions on placing requests on the Accommodation and Notification Services page.
  3. ODS will review the student's requests to assess what courses can be delivered equitably in a remote format.
    • To determine this, ODS will work with the department chairs and instructor of record to review the content of the course, current delivery method for the course, and current technological capabilities of the meeting space.
  4. If the course can be delivered equitably, ODS will work with the instructor, Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning (CITADL), and E-Learning to set-up an appropriate remote delivery method for the course.
    • Please note, the delivery method of the course might be synchronous or asynchronous depending on the nature and format of the course.
    • The delivery method is determined by the instructor of record in conjunction with ODS and CITADL/E-Learning. Although student feedback might be considered during this process, the delivery method is not determined by the student.
  5. If the course cannot be delivered in a truly equivalent or equitable manner, the request for remote learning will be denied
    • In these instances, ODS will assess other potential accommodations to provide safe access to campus and courses
      • Example: Provision of additional personal protective equipment, priority seating, etc.
    • Students should consult with their academic advisor to modify their schedule if they cannot attend courses where remote access is not possible 
    • In the event the student has to take less than a full time course load as a result of a denial for remote learning accommodations, ODS will evaluate opportunities for additional advocacy
      • SAP, Scholarship retention, etc.

Cleveland State University
Disability & Testing Services
2124 Chester Avenue
Rhodes Tower West (RW) 210
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2015
Fax: 216-687-2343

Testing Services
2124 Chester Ave.
Rhodes Tower West (RW) 215
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2272
Fax: 216-687-2212

Web Contact
Jeffrey Dell
Phone: (216) 687-2015