Review Procedures

Review Procedures

Every year, following the submission of annual student learning assessment (SLA) reports at the end of May, teams of faculty and staff review these reports over a number of Assessment Review Days in the months of June and July. This highly collaborative effort is designed to engage both new and experienced campus community members in the cultivation of a participative and transformative assessment culture at CSU. Each team of reviewers is in charge of providing constructive feedback to the different reporting academic programs, student support services units, or divisions. This kind of group work also benefits us by promoting professional networking that leads to an increased awareness and participation in a campus-wide exchange of ideas. At the same time, our review teams represent a necessary peer support system whose knowledge and experience prompts more informed decision-making processes aimed at improving teaching, learning, research, service, and engagement.

The Office of Student Learning Assessment staff members coordinate the review process before submitting the review teams' constructive input to the Deans, Associate Deans, Directors, Department Chairpersons, or Program/Unit designees. This feedback loop is usually complete two weeks prior to the beginning of a new academic year in the Fall semester.

Throughout the new academic year, the Director of the Office of Student Learning Assessment is in close contact with the various academic programs, student support services units, and divisions as part of the systematic and on-going process of (re)defining, refining, and meeting the assessment-related needs of our campus community.

This cycle repeats itself by preparing, collecting, submitting, and reviewing student learning assessment reports at the end of the following Spring semester.

To view the Review Form used by teams of faculty and staff in their collaborative evaluation of student learning assessment reports submitted annually, click here (MSWord).

Mailing Address
Office of Academic Planning
2121 Euclid Avenue
AC 220
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Office of Academic Planning
2300 Euclid Avenue
Parker Hannifin Admin. Center AC 220
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214
Phone: 216-687-4700
Fax: 216-687-5372

Dr. Laura Northrop
Phone: (216) 875-9712