Quality Matters

Quality Matters logoCleveland State University is committed to providing quality online instruction to our students. We are applying rigorous, research-based Quality Matters standards to the design of eLearning courses. Nationally recognized Quality Matters standards assure that the online components of these courses promote learner engagement and provide students with the tools and information they need to be successful. Students can be confident that online programs at Cleveland State University are designed to meet the highest standards and best practices for online learning. More information regarding Quality Matters can be found at www.qmprogram.org


Cleveland State has been a member of the Ohio QM Consortium since its inception in 2007. Courses developed by the Center for eLearning adhere to QM design standards. The Center encourages faculty to become QM Peer Reviewers and to participate in the QM Review Process, as well as have their course QM Reviewed. To learn more about becoming a QM Peer Reviewer or to have your course reviewed, contact Sarah Rutland, Manager of Operations and Quality Assurance, at s.rutland@csuohio.edu or 216.802.3147.

QM at a Glance at CSU

QM Resources

Quality Matters Recognized Courses at CSU
Course NumberCourse TitleFaculty DeveloperYear(s) Recognized
ACT 600Managerial AccountingHeidi Meier2013 / 2018
ALD 646HRD for Adult EducatorsCatherine Monaghan2012
CHM 251College Chemistry IAnne O'Connor2017
CHM 252College Chemistry IIAnne O'Connor2017
CNS 679Program Development and Management in School CounselingDakota King-White2018
COM 303Communication InquiryJeffrey Bolt2018 / 2023
CSC 321Employment StrategiesElizabeth Qkwudi2010
ECN 503Economic ConceptsSubhra Saha2012
ENG 101College Writing IRajeswari Mohan2010
ENG 102College Writing IIRajeswari Mohan2010
ESE 404/504Teaching Students with Varying AbilitiesDeborah Webster2011
ESE 416/516Life Skills and Career Planning in Special EducationDeborah Webster2011
ETE 567Telecommunications in EducationWilliam Beasley2010
FIN 353Intro to InvestmentsWei Wang2021
FIN 601Financial PoliciesHaigang Zhou2016
HED 473/573Teaching Human SexualityJudy Ausherman2010 / 2016
HED 474/574Stress ManagementManuella Crawley2016
HED 550Theories in Health Education/BehaviorSheila Patterson2017
HED 553Measuremt/Eval of Health ProgramsManuella Crawley2016
HED 565Fiscal Development and Grants ManagementBecky Smith2017
HED 577Social Issues in NutritionKristen Murray2017
HED 585Worksite Health PromotionManuella Crawley2018
HED 588Ethics and Health BehaviorSheila Patterson2016
HED 592Health Literacy and Health CareAmy Thompson2017
HIS 102Western Civilization IIPete Rottier2010
HSC 200Introduction to Health SciencesManuella Crawley2021
IST 305Information Technology for Competitive AdvantageSharen Bakke2010 / 2017
MBA 600Team DynamicsTracy Porter2013
MBA 602International BusinessJieun Park2016
MLR 501Management & Organizational BehaviorTracy Porter2012
NUR 440Community Health NursingJoan Thoman2016
NUR 441Primary Preventive Strategies for Communities – ClinicalJoan Thoman2016
NUR 346Professional Writing & CommunicationMaureen Mitchell2011
NUR 360Nursing ResearchCheryl Delgado2010
NUR 501Introduction to Population Health NursingLinda Wolf2013
NUR 502Theory Development in NursingCheryl Delgado2013
NUR 503Evidence Based PracticeLinda Wolf2014
NUR 505Demography & EpidemiologyMaureen Mitchell2010
NUR 510Ethics for Advanced Practice NursingCheryl Delgado2014
NUR 511Intro to Forensic NursingCheryl Delgado2014
NUR 512Forensics MethodologiesCheryl Delgado2014
NUR 520Curriculum Development in NursingLinda Wolf2015
NUR 601Nursing ResearchCheryl Delgado2012
NUR 602Health Care PolicyMaureen Mitchell2011
NUR 603Healthcare Finance in Nursing PracticeMaureen Mitchell2011
NUR 604Nursing of Populations ICheryl Delgado2014
NUR 605Nursing of Populations IIMaureen Mitchell2013
NUR 617The Legal SystemMaria Gibson2015
NUR 626Practicum in Nursing EducationMaureen Mitchell2012
NUR 627Issues and Trends in Nursing EducationMaureen Mitchell2011
OSM 311Intro to Operations ManagementSusan Slotnick2013 / 2018
OSM 511Operations ManagementSusan Slotnick2012
PED 461/561Sports GovernanceEddie T.C. Lam2014
PHL 446/546Ethics of Human ReproductionSonya Charles2017
SOC 101Introduction to SociologyMarnie Rodriguez2013 / 2018
SWK 304Perspectives on Social Work Research IPatricia Stoddard Dare2014 / 2019
SWK 305Perspectives on Social Work Research IIChristopher Mallett2012
SWK 494/694Theories & Procedures in Addiction StudiesPatricia Stoddard Date2014 / 2019
UST 202The African-American ExperienceRichard Klein2011
UST 458Urban PolicyCaryn Lanzo2010 / 2016
UST 459Budgeting and Policy AnalysisTatyana Guzman2017

Mailing Address
Center for eLearning
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, RT201
Cleveland, OH 44115

Campus Location
Center for eLearning, RT201
1860 East 22nd Street
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216.687.3960
Fax: 216.875.9733